Galaxies DLC İstek Listesi Şimdi!
Hello everyone, the Galaxies DLC is almost finished. By now the Store Page is online and you can wishlist the game already. Thank you for your patience! But before we start an open beta test in Januar, I want to use this opportunity to announce another new feature and heat up the anticipation. Please let us know what you think of the new features and support Imagine Earth with a review!
Endless Game
You can choose to colonize whole new galaxies totally freely in the endless game mode. Inhabitable Planets will be discovered after some time and can be entered with a new landing permit..
Game Mode
In this campaign style game mode, we colonize entire galaxies and coordinate our progress on a central space station. The corporations compete to establish thriving colonies on several planets.
Colonization of whole Galaxies
The corporation that has earned the most victory points at the end of the pioneer phase is announced as main administrator of the galaxy.
The Space Station
You get a space station. It serves as our headquarters and central hub for your planetary colonies. It also enables interplanetary research and licensing of technology and allows you to unlock extensions for your city centers. Here you can also trade at a much better rate than in your colonies.
Orbital Lift
With this new high-tech construct you can move your resources and items quickly and free of charge between the colonies and your headquarters space station and thus also ensure exchange between the planets.
Extensions provide special abilities for your city centers. You can install a maximum of 3 of them per city center. You can install them directly in your landing capsules right here or install them in your city centers later, which comes at additional costs.
Story Campaign
There is also a four-planet Story Campaign centered around the Genesis Seed Initiative, starring our new USN Advisor Ixas.
Space Capsule Delivery
Your City Center capsules can now pack items from your space station. You can redefine the extensions to be installed before landing.
I hope these infos can raise the excitement about the DLC. We're also curious to see exactly how a beta test event like this works on Steam, this is our first attempt...
If you like Imagine Earth, please support us with a review on Steam and tell others about the current sale! Thank you and see you next month!
Martin & Jens