Görsel Güncelleme - Yeni Brifing Cutscenes (1.3.0)
Hey chummers and chooms,
The game has been updated to version 1.3.2, once again bringing visual improvements to the game to enhance the immersion and player fantasy.
New Heist briefing cutscenes
From very early in development, we knew we wanted the crew to have these snappy briefing dialogues where they go over the heist plan, just like in movies like Mission: Impossible or Ocean's Eleven.
But as we got into the later stages of development, it became clear that with our limitations—mainly the time left until release—it would be the best candidate for a cut if we didn’t want the rest of the game to suffer. Since all of the VOs were already recorded, we decided to implement a 'less expensive' solution as briefing dialogues.
With this update, we're finally bringing the briefing cutscenes back. They're done in the same motion comics style as the rest of the cutscenes in the game. To see how they look in action, check out the video of the briefing for the first heist below:
So together with Update 1.1.0 bringing new combat animations, VFX and visual progression to the hub
and Update 1.2.0 polishing up all of the combat environments
this marks the end of our Visual Update trilogy, and the game now has all the visual content we originally planned for it.
The Storyteller's Festival 2025 Discount
Last but not least, HeistGeist is also part of the Storyteller's Festival, organized by the lovely folks at Two and a Half Studios, celebrating the best storytelling in video games. Be sure to check out all the cool games!
For the duration of the festival, our game, as well as the soundtrack, will be 20% off.
As always, should you have any questions, or wanted to chat, write a comment or join our Discord.
Cheers and have a good one!