🔦 Guayota - Yama 1.1 Mevcut ŞİMDİ 🔥
Greetings explorers!
I would like to thank all of you who have supported our game in its first month of release. We love the passion you put into your reviews and impressions, and we want to make the game the best it can be.
Since launch, we have uploaded a number of quick fixes to avoid any major blocking bugs or crashes so that you can have the smoothest experience possible. However, we have gathered a lot of feedback from you to build our first major update. In this update you will mainly find some tweaks to the traps to make them more fair. You will also find some other bug fixes and other improvements to the ending of the game.
Finally, we have read that some players have been frustrated by the traps in 'normal' mode. The opinion is that they are quite difficult on the first attempt, and they are actually designed that way. They are there to challenge the player, but we would like to point out that completing levels in this mode is not necessary to progress in the game, nor is it necessary to reach all possible endings. Also, this has some... 'narrative explanation', so we encourage players to take the game as it is and discover what's going on on the island.
Thank you again for your love and support, and we hope new explorers can join us on the journey to paradise on earth!
Sergio González (Sergienso),
Creative Director
Gameplay Improvements
The rotation speed of the character has been increased, making it feel more responsive.
Traps Rebalance
The intensity of their green light patterns has been increased so traps become easier to spot.
The size of the ‘on-rail’ traps has been increased to better visually represent its hit box.
The velocity of the bubble projectiles has been reduced. However, they are more capable of chasing the player around corners now.
Trap placement retouches.
Added two healing sources, to prevent the player from dying right at the end.
Two wall traps have been removed to avoid unfair situations.
Some foliage collisions have been removed.
The rails from the ‘on-rail’ traps have been improved so they are easier to spot.
Some walls have been made longer so players cannot spoil the puzzle.
Correction of one text in all languages, related to the ending section of the game.
Enhanced the Spanish translation of one text displayed mid game in a conversation with Nicolás.
Other Improvements
Ending Section
Some VFX from the levels at the ‘ending section’ of the game now play at the ‘ending section’ foyer, under special conditions.
Reduced the volume of some SFX sounds related to the ending trigger.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug caused by the blocking hand walls from the alternate mode, that could make players unable to interact with any stone or ‘healing’ source, blocking their progress in the level.
Fixed a bug that made the red stones unable to pick sometimes, that forced players to move away and get close again to re-trigger the interaction outline.
Fixed a bug that made the healing source unusable after dying once.
Fixed a visual bug that made the red stone not display its red pulse over the foliage.
Fixed a bug that played the earthquake effects every time you go to this foyer after opening the staircase.
Fixed a bug that kept the music in Chaxiraxi’s temple levels playing after the ‘victory motiv’, if players got to the mural with their full ‘life’.
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