Added a new "Dillon" hood ornament for purchase with in-game currency
Hi-fi will now revert to default station if there is an error selecting a custom station
General Fixes
Fixed issue with incorrect temperature format shown on map screen
Fixed issue with DualShock glyphs being too small when injected into strings
Fixed issue where external zoom controls were not working as intended on some platforms
Fixed issue with the Silent Spark paint job having unwanted visual artefacts
Fixed issue with incorrect German string for "pick-up"
Fixed issue with some strings not localizing correctly on map screen
Fixed issue where under specific circumstances multi-trailers could be partially destroyed
Fixed issue where under specific circumstances spawned cargo was not showing a POI marker
Quest Fixes
Game will attempt to resolve progression blockers if a quest has been completed but not acknowledged
Fixed issue where quest cargo could vanish under specific circumstances
Fixed issue that could result in quest cargo spawning multiple times
Fixed issue with "Ghost Gold" failing to trigger correctly
Fixed issue with "Deep Sweep" failing to end correctly
Fixed issue with "Deep Sweep" failing to show beacons after player recovery
Fixed issue with "Fragile Ego" where Red Eddie would comment on non-quest trailers taking damage
Fixed issue with "Cache Grab" getting stuck if tasks are completed out of order
Fixed issue with "Cache Grab" final task completing out of order
Fixed issue with "Charmed Relief" cargo combining early and blocking progression
Fixed issue with "Charmed Relief" cargo not spawning under specific circumstances
"Fragile Ego" will attempt to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
"Perfect Timing" will attempt to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
"Job Hunt" will attempt to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
"Dead Weight" will attempt to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
"Charmed Relief" will attempt to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
"Green for Green" will attempt to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
"Shady Business" will attempt to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
"Meltdown" will try to recover cargo if accidentally destroyed
Balance tweaks and job refinements continue with the hope of making it into the next update. We thank you for your patience as our tiny team continues to work hard on improving your Star Truckin’ experience.
As usual, please report any issues and oddities you encounter to the Raw Fury Support Desk and be sure to check the Latest News page for information on future patches and developer updates.
- Dan & Dave ( aka Monster and Monster )