Hotfix - Changelog
Reduced weapons and shields’ Durability loss from blocking by 60%.
Increased the base Durability of every weapon subtype that grants block-related bonuses and also slightly reduced their price.
Simplified the recipes for crafting most consumables.
Rebalanced certain valuables' levels, prices, and tags to spread them more evenly between dungeons.
Decreased the Reputation gained from completing contracts by 12%.
Reduced the basic stats of “Forceful Slam”.
The “Fair” food seller is now guaranteed to have dish recipes in stock.
Added scrolls to the “Fair” merchant’s stock.
Fixed the issues with ranged skeletons’ AI occurring upon their resurrection.
Fixed the softlock caused by the Burial Cave’s door.
Fixed the missing loot in one of the abandoned cart variants in the steppes.
Fixed the incorrect category of “Deadly Premonition”.
Fixed the incorrect duration of “Concentration”.
Fixed the Denbrie Captain refusing to buy commodity items.
Fixed the Archivist spawning with additional retinue, which also included higher tier mobs than intended.
Fixed “Deathstinger Infestation” not tracking some stages of the quest when completing it before talking to the quest giver.
Fixed some stages of the “Finding the Craftsman” quest using incorrect descriptions.
Fixed “Finding the Craftsman” placing an incorrect map marker if Darrel is sitting in the Watchtower Tavern.
Fixed some traders’ hovers claiming to sell items above tier 5.
Fixed the sound effects for moving between locations.
Fixed the bug causing tier 5 dungeons to reset after loading a save made there.
Fixed quest markers pointing towards dungeons even after completing their contracts’ main goal.
Fixed a number of situational softlocks caused by ranged combat.
Fixed the bug allowing enemies to act twice after a dual wield counter.
Fixed the situational crash caused by using “Battering Ram”.
Fixed the trade exploit with switching between the Caravan Storage folders.
Fixed the Mannshire Carpenter not selling ranged weapons.
Numerous text fixes.