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cover-Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow

Monday, August 7, 2023 2:21:34 PM

Know your enemy!

Hello, daydreamers!
Today, we want to share what you'll encounter during your journey with Griffin and Birly – their sworn enemies who will stop at nothing to prevent you from reaching your goal!
"Fear is only as deep as the mind allows." - Japanese Proverb

The Dark Hand is the very first enemy we meet at the beginning of the game. The only thing you can do is run away from her. It is a symbol of inevitability. It is up to the player to find out who it belongs to.
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” - H.P. Lovecraft

An unknown substance that Griffin first encountered in the kitchen at the beginning of the game. It inspires a sticky (in every sense) fear, it slowly stalks the boy, and its relentlessness is terrifying. It can turn into a giant spider and back again.
"Anger is a momentary madness, so control your passion or it will control you." - Horace

The knight is a symbol of the fear of Griffin’s father, of his anger. He is huge and strong, and it is impossible to fight him, but only to hide and run away.
"I saw the vast, unsettled spaces of existence, and suddenly understood what it meant to be small in a world so grand." - Unknown

He is not so easy to notice: his movements are slow and smooth and... deadly to anyone smaller than his palm.This image represents megalophobia - a type of anxiety disorder in which a person experiences intense fear of large objects.
‘“Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies?” - Ron Weasley

Spiders are one of Griffin's biggest phobias. Giant spiders, even more so. The only salvation for them is fire. They are afraid of it.
"The predator does not hate its prey, it simply follows its instinct to survive." - Unknown

He dwells in the territory of the air ruins. Stumbling upon it is a huge setback. The flower is slow, yet precise and agile. More dangerous than its predatory jaws are its roots, which are hard to dodge.
"I fear the depths that conceal the unknown, where the shadows of uncertainty lurk beneath the surface." - Unknown
It is said that the mysterious tentacles are one of the entities of the Dark Hand. This image represents bathophobia - an intense fear of depths.
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." - Norman Cousins
In fact, this is Griffin's greatest enemy. First it took his son, then it tries to take his own life. It takes many forms: a strange slurry, a giant spider, tentacles from the depths.It's impossible to escape - its bony hand will catch you sooner or later.
"Gravity is not responsible for people falling in love." - Albert Einstein

This is no joke: gravity in the game, you might say, is the main enemy of Griffin, and you players know it well, because you hate it most of all!


About the game
Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow stars a boy named Griffin as he embarks on a journey to face his fears alongside his teddy bear companion Birly. As Griffin learns to confront haunting memories amidst floating castles and enchanted forests, he’ll come to discover the mystery of this newfound world.
Key Features:

A touching story made for everyone
Command an adorable teddy bear companion
Intelligent puzzles
A charming and mysterious universe
Unbridled (and sometimes scary!) fantasy fun

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