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Saturday, August 22, 2020 6:49:33 PM

Littlewood v1.026

Littlewood v1.026
+Increased Deluca Present chance when playing Tarott Monster
+Went through entire game code and did a lot of optimizing
+Load times should be a bit faster
+Updated indoor build mode top row icons
+Fishing and Bug Catching randomizer statues no longer deny you "Misc" item drops
+Fixed the drifting pastures/exotic pet area bug finally
+Special Moments will not occur if any of the Townsfolk houses aren't built
+Rain won't occur on days with events or Special Moments
+Added slightly more base exp to Fishing and Bug Catching
+You gain more Bug Catching EXP when near the Catacomb Tree
+Fixed drifting marketplace and town square bug
+Fixed being able to jump over Colossal Pillar
+Fixed Lightning spell giving dirt when destroyed
+Fixed rain occuring but not showing bug
Cheers and thanks for your support!!