MORDHAU Patch #30 - New Demon Horde Maps and QOL improvements
Patch #30 is here!
We are proud to unveil our latest patch for MORDHAU which introduces four brand-new Demon Horde maps, adds Horde maps back into the rotation, includes an array of quality-of-life (QoL) improvements, addressing Banner and Bear-trap intractability, and bug fixes, unveils updated weapon animations and attacks, and features a new Weapons Pack DLC
You can read the full Change-logs below!
The four new Demon Horde maps bring new and distinct and immersive aesthetics to the mode. Brace yourself to venture into a blight-infested Grad, where twisted roots and dark corruption have overtaken the once-proud castle walls.
Face the eerie and ethereal inhabitants of Contraband and confront the darkness within.
Confront the treacherous alleyways of Feitoria, a town shattered and warped by the devastating influence of a demonic comet shower, leaving destruction and dark magic in its wake.
Venture into Taiga, a forest village twisted and corrupted by the dark forces emanating from the nearby mine, where the unfortunate inhabitants lurk among the blaze inferno of the forest.
Banisher Weapons-Pack DLC
We are excited to present the Banisher Weapon Pack DLC, featuring 12 beautifully crafted weapon skins inspired by demonic forces. Each weapon showcases a blend of refined craftsmanship and dark, menacing designs, turning your arsenal into a collection of legendary tools to cut through enemies—human or demonic—with brutal precision. We can’t wait to see how you unleash these masterpieces and bring a new level of style to your battles.
You can see the individual skins here:
Patch 30 - Changelog 11/06/2024
Horde maps re-added to the map rotation
Demon Horde
Added Demon Horde Feitoria map
Added Demon Horde Taiga map
Added Demon Horde Grad map
Added Demon Horde Contraband map
Fixed issue with boss spawns being occasionally blocked
Fixed issue with DIH_Castello first point navigation
Fixed missing icon for explosive barrel on the buy menu
Fixed explosive barrel killing teammates if owner is dead
Improved performance
Fixed bear trap softlocking players on ladders
Fixed bear traps triggering on players when they spawn
Fixed toolbox buildables not being destroyed when switching team
Buffed red Grad noble kick
Made Bear Traps not trigger on nobles
Made Rat Perk not trigger Bear Traps
Made Spawn Banner change icon while being constructed
Made Spawn Banner change icon while enemy is blocking spawn
Made players spawn in the same direction the Spawn Banner was placed
Added enemy Spawn Banner icons in spawn screen
Fixed issue with objectives being able to be completed with wrong deliverables on FL_Camp and FL_Feitoria
Adjusted attacker spawn protection for INV_Castello last objective
Adjusted DIH_Grad river material
Moved some of INV_Noria spawns closer to the action
Moved some of INV_Arid spawns closer to the action
Moved some of INV_Castello final point spawns closer to the action
Moved INV Castello last obj defender spawns closer to the action
Fixed OOB collision issues in Arena
Fixed some Castello bushes having collision
Fixed stuck spot in DIH_MountainPeak
Added out of bounds zone to area below Dungeon
Added out of bounds zone to area outside Mountain Peak keep
Added OOB zone under Mountain Peak keep
Added OOB zone under Feitoria bell tower area
Increased view distance inside Smoke Bomb area
Improved fire field decal visuals
Made fire fields not suddenly pop out of existence, and slowly fade
Added throws to Hoe, Pitchfork, Rake, Wooden Shovel, Metal Fork, Rusty Shovel, Sickle
Added horizontal cleaving throws to Falx and Scythe
Fixed physics assets bug for Rake, Wooden shovel, Rusty Shovel, Metal Fork, Frying Pan
Added new Banisher Weapon pack DLC, which includes:
Eden's Zweihander
Seraphim Spear
Devil's Weeping Polehammer
Maul of Redemption
Sacrificial Executioner's Sword
Sacred Greatsword
Demeter Poleaxe
Asmodeus Rib War Axe
Basilisk's Fang Messer
Dante's Bane Scimitar
Silver Knight's Mace
Dragon's Breath Short Spear
Added whoosh sound on player spawn to Spawn Banner
Added subtle fabric flapping in wind sound to Spawn Banner
Added circle timer to Spawn Banner to show spawn cooldown
Made pressing K to mute a player also mute their instruments
Added old horde purchasables to CombatTest to be packaged with game for modders
Removed setup time from MordhauLiteTestLevel