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cover-Mr. Sun's Hatbox

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 11:29:16 AM

Patch 1.07

Tweaks and Fixes

Hello all!
Patch 1.07 is with you now and along with some general house keeping we've implemented a couple of tweaks to the meta.
Notes are as follows:

Emergency missions no longer kidnap more than two units
You can now exit levels when missions are incomplete if you hold the exit button
Fix occasional soft lock when sending out Spec Ops
Fixed bug: You can jump out of pot while it's being captured and get stuck outside of level
Fixed bug: Enemies can get stuck on the left side of the invisible wall in the farm

If you have a bug please feel encouraged to post here on the Steam forums or contact us directly, including your player log at: kenny@kennysun.com. Just put "BUG" in the subject bar.
Your logs (Player.log and Player-prev.log) should be in "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Kenny Sun\Hatbox.
That's all for today, thank you for your continued support and the positive reviews which are helping us to reach new players!