Patch 1.09
Monday Patch Day!
Increase XP earned from raid missions by 50%
New effects to indicate that Mr Moon is immune to most damage
Fixed bug: Cancelling spec ops doesn't clear equipment
Fixed bug: Arrows and toy arrows add to notification icon over Armory even though you can't upgrade them
Fixed bug: Swapping unit out via support console resets their health
Fixed bug: Bad Hat Hair quirk prevents you from putting on multiple hats
If you've discovered a bug please feel encouraged to post here on the Steam forums or contact us directly, including your player log at: Just put "BUG" in the subject bar.
Your logs (Player.log and Player-prev.log) should be in "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Kenny Sun\Hatbox.
That's all for today, thank you for your continued support and the positive reviews which are helping us to reach new players!