Patch Note | v1.0.4.270196
Hello everyone,
We want to thank you for your feedback on Ad Infinitum, and for your patience.
This first patch addresses a copious amount of issues the community made us aware of, and other bugs we found on the way.
Below is a full list of what's been fixed in this update. Please note some fixes are hidden as not to spoil the story. Reveal them at your own risks!
Main Menu - Postprocessing Settings are now saved correctly (FOV, Motion Blur).
Achievements - "Their Names" and "Awaiting Orders" are fixed.
Subtitles - Disabling subtitles will still provide important clues.
House - Bird sounds now stop playing when leaving Mother's Room.
Chapter Specific:
Chapter 1:
House - Corrected nonsensical text in French.
House - Fixed Gramophone Music in Basement.
House - Correct voice line will be played at the telephone,
House - Players won't get stuck in Paul's Room after waking up because the door wasn't working.
Trenches - The Gas-Field before entering the Morse code Bunker has been fixed, now preventing players to skip the Hunger encounter.
Trenches - Fixed LOD Popping issues in the Trenches chapter.
Trenches - You can no longer get stuck in squeeze spaces while walking around Hungers after they swarmed the Morse Code Bunker.
Trenches - Morse code Device light no longer indicates 37 instead of 27.
Ruins - Improved guidance to the Rifle.
Ruins - Made Nyx more visible when entering marketplace.
Ruins - Player can't walk through a big hole in a wall with a floating brick; this was not intended.
Trauma Domain - Players no longer get catapulted out of bounds.
Trauma Domain - Fixed music not playing from the speaker when interacting with the last button at the Gramophone Pole.
Adjusted the Hunger behaviour to prevent them from jumping over the Morse code table wall and grabbing players too frequently while in squeeze spaces.
Chapter 2:
Lazarett - Door unlocks after respawning.
House - Addressed a blocker in the attic that persisted after reloading a checkpoint.
House - Music no longer pauses when picking up a note.
House - Correct sounds now play when unlocking and opening the safe.
Trenches - Players no longer get trapped with Rage.
Trauma Domain - Voice Memory of the letter in TDE now stops.
Trauma Domain - Music of Bossfight with Erebus didn't increment and got stuck in the first loop.
Chapter 3:
House - The telephone close to the attic now stops ringing.
Trenches - Exploration music won't overlap into the plane cutscene.
Trauma Domain - Fixed voicelines in French coming from speakers that were heard everywhere due to wrong spatialization settings.
Trauma Domain - Thanatos grab and camera were broken during Bossfight.
Chapter 4 (spoiler heavy):
All Endings - Voice Atmos on objects now stop, such as the letter of the mother.
Good Ending - Voice Atmos of discharge papers now stop.
Madness Ending - Fixed wooden door sound when interacting with the prison door.
If you have encountered any bug, please let us know, we always keep an eye on our social media, including the Steam Community Hub. More fixes are in the work, so keep an eye out!