Phasmophobia PS5 Preview—Ghost Huntin’ Ev Konsollarında
I think it’s safe to say Phasmophobia is a bit of a miracle. I remember seeing it for the first time in a videogamedunkey video, thinking it was a bit silly. But then one October, I decided to pick it up on a whim and I was sold. Despite its Early Access status and somewhat janky gameplay, there was a genuine charm to it and every subsequent update made it a bit better until my poor little Microsoft Surface Book 2 couldn’t handle it anymore.
I think back to those halcyon days, desperately wondering when the game would be ported to consoles. It’s a bit irrelevant now since I’m rocking an awesome Alienware M16, and after 300 hours, I can say I’m somewhat of a Phasmophobia savant. But for those who don’t have rockin’ gaming laptops, the ghost-hunting phenomenon has finally made it to consoles and…it’s fine, I guess?
I do want to preface this review by saying I do unequivocally love Phasmophobia. Despites its flaws, I think it works really well as both a really fun cooperative... Read more