Public Beta Branch Now Live.
Hello all! We're excited to announce a publicly available Beta branch for Rogue Flight, to allow users to try out new features before they make their way into the 'official' release channel.
This requires opting in through Steam (under the game properties, select beta participation and the beta branch):
Builds on this branch will include new features that we want to give a little time to simmer, to ensure proper stability before going into the live channel.
For players of the French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Japanese localizations, please be aware that we do utilize temporary machine translation for new features as a placeholder, until our localizers have had time to provide updated strings in the proper format.
Okay! So, onto what's included in version 1.1.2
Enemy Variants Updated.
-Stage 5 and Stage 7+ now include a variant of the 'monoblade' drone with a radial laser.
-Stage 7+ now includes a new drone type with a peripheral laser field.
-These enemies were in the concept stage but weren't quite ready in time for the initial release, so have fun dodging / destroying them!
-The "Borg" enemy types (bipedal mechs) are less bullet-spongey. This should allow players to maintain combos easier.
-The damage area around the Stratos boss type thrusters has been decreased to be slightly more forgiving.
Tutorial Toggle Added.
-Players could already choose to skip the tutorial via the pause menu, however due to popular demand I've added a toggle to disable it completely.
-Players must of course complete the tutorial at least once before being able to shut it off.
Caravan Mode Added for Level Select
-Special thanks to our kindly community for suggesting this.
-The "Caravan Mode" implements a 5 minute timer for Level Select. Enemy waves come fast, and feature the strongest enemies for that stage.
-Playing on "Hard" or "Extreme" difficulty will net an additional score bonus!
-Upon completing, the Caravan Score will be visible in the upper left corner of the stage select movie for each stage.
-Disabling Caravan mode will hide the current Caravan score for that stage.
Bonus Livery 1 Added.
-to celebrate the launch, I've added a new set of liveries to the livery editor, featuring 5 alternative color schemes.
Game Credits updated.
-Game credits now include individual credits for our FIGS localizers, as well as folks who have kindly assisted with our Japanese localization.
General bug fixes and QOL updates
-Global Rank will now be visible for steam users: We've crossed an important threshold so now scores will be visible in the 'ship settings' menu when the various sub menus are opened.
-Fixed the Japanese "New Game +" description which was incorrect
-Disabled windowed mode switch - this was causing serious issues with audio sync during cinematics, as Unity would not register the focus loss to all objects. As this is an engine-level bug, the only remedy here is to prevent the switch.