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Monday, July 24, 2023 3:00:50 PM

Scenario Challenge 11: Aurigan Summer

We're hosting our Endless Summer event this week, so this month we will take Humankind to Auriga! It's a beautiful planet... you know, apart from the impending end of the world. Better get ready to leave together to the stars. 

The Aurigan Summer Scenario Challenge
Auriga, home to such iconic factions as the Vaulters, plays a key role in the unfolding story of the Endless universe. It's a beautiful planet, but also a dangerous one. Wracked by cataclysms before, the world seemingly recovered, only to spiral towards destruction once more. Can you lead your people to find a way to escape or to survive the increasingly hostile environment, even without the help of the near-magical powers of Dust? 

How to play the scenario:
Download the save AuriganSummer.ctr Place the save in “/Documents/Humankind/Save Files”   Load the save labeled “AuriganSummer” in game   (optional) If you want to submit a score to the leaderboard, check this post  
(We know that downloading and manually placing a save file is inconvenient. However, we do not currently have the means to deliver these directly in game, though we are exploring this option.)

Scenario Conditions
Victory Condition: Most Fame at game end   End Condition: Space Race, Endgame Technologies  Game Conditions: Nation difficulty, Fast game speed, no DLC or mods   Leaderboard Submission Deadline: August 28th  Leaderboard Ranking: Fastest Victory, tiebreaker by Fame 

We hope you'll have fun building a glorious city full of wonderful structures!