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cover-Shadows of Doubt

Monday, November 18, 2024 11:00:38 AM

Shadows of Doubt V 39.11 Patch Notes

Hello Detectives, we have a fresh batch of patch notes with a new suite of bug fixes for you all. The work continues in the background towards making the best version of Shadows of Doubt possible and more patches are on the way. Thank you for your continued support folks

Fixed: Apartment storage items missing on load game
Fixed: Player movement could sometimes become restricted when crouched
Fixed: When a new crime scene is opened, enforcers no longer target other people who live there
Fixed: Citizens should no longer attempt to turn on the lights in a room where another citizen is sleeping
Fixed: Citizens could get stuck sitting while waiting for the player to come and meet them for side job info. These side jobs can now also be failed if you don’t meet them in time.
Fixed: Multiple entries of the same dialog option for side jobs
Fixed: The player could not inspect the menu in the hotel
Fixed: A tweak to how disabling the sandbox mode murderer works; this will now only take effect after an active one is caught or a new game is started. The previous method could result in some edge cases with the worst of them stopping murderers from ever being re-activated.
Fixed: Kitchen overhead cabinet interaction collider could block pinned notes from being interacted with.
Fixed: Placing an Ash Tray or Green Desk Lamp in décor mode could result in the object interacting with the player movement physics in weird ways.
Fixed: Direction Arrow could reappear when disabled in game options after the player used the camera or observed CCTV.
Fixed: In older generated cities, prices of certain items that have since been changed in more recent updates could create an infinite source of money if you purchased then sold them at pawn shops.
Fixed: Having a guest pass for an address on an Echelon floor didn’t give you access to the floor without it being classed as trespassing. Having a guest pass will now also allow you to enter the floor’s communal area without trespassing.
Fixed: Apartment purchase flyers could be spawned for apartments that the player had already purchased.
Fixed: A few spelling mistakes

* Requires a new city generation to appear/spawn/see