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cover-The Plan

Friday, March 12, 2021 2:28:20 PM

So, where are we 8 years later? (Spoilers)

If you’ve made it this far, I’m guessing you’ve played the game or don’t mind spoiling a 6 minute long game from 8 years ago – which is fair.
When we all those years ago decided to implement a starry sky, where players can contribute a message to future players, we didn’t really know what to expect. We also assumed the game might be played by a few hundred people, if we were lucky.
But we just checked the database, and there’s currently no less than 782.676 (!) messages in there. Here's a little sample:

We spent some time reading, feeling like digital archeologists. Who are all these people, and what are their lives like? And even now, as new messages pop in daily, it keeps filling us with joy and a regained purpose in making these types of games. In our most recent game Sunlight, we even decided to do a very similar thing, which turned out to be just as rewarding.
To end, thanks to everyone who has played and contributed to the experience! And I hope our paths will cross again one day, as something more than an ID-number in a database.
Much love,
The Krillbite team