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cover-The Mobius Machine

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 12:04:29 PM

Sürüm 1.2 yayınlandı

Hello Everyone,
After the very positive reception that version 1.1 has had, we are now presenting version 1.2.
Even if this release is not as game changing as 1.1, it adds a few features that improve the game significantly.

Workshop Revamp
The workshop was quite a large area, and because it had no map, the feedback we got from people was that it was sometimes difficult to navigate.
We've now split it in 3 distinct sections, that are communicated via doorways, making everything a lot simpler.
Workbench Area. This is where you can craft items, save the game and access shortcuts. There are no NPCs here, and the distances to the Sector 01 Water section, Sector 02 and Sector 06 shortcuts have been significantly reduced.
Lab. You access this from a doorway on top of the Workbench. It is a separate area and it has all the explanation of the various types of globular forms.
Proving Ground This is also a separate area accessed from another doorway on top of the Workbench. It has the Weapon Overdrive, the training bots and the various scrap boxes that are unlocked with the various weapons.

Crumble Block Redesign
Crumble blocks (the ones that break when you step on them), now have a distinct visual pattern, so you can distinguish them in any lighting conditions.

Sector 01 Save Point improvements
- There is now a new Save Point north of the location where you get the Thruster. This reduces the distance you have to travel if you die when fighting the Floater Broadmother that guards it.
- The Save Point east of the Workshop, is much easier to find and is clearly signposted.
Optimizations to Ultra quality mode
Ambient Occlusion and Depth of Field settings tweaked in Ultra quality mode.
This should produce smoother frame rates when playing the game in 4K in Ultra settings.
UI improvements
In workbench window, in the list of items to craft, there is now an extrapolator icon next to the ones that require it.

In the Chronostabilizer info window, scrap and extrapolator icons are now properly aligned.
Map layout improvements
- Minimize the unexplorable areas in the map by adding blocks which the player can use as contact point to jump and glide using the parachute. Also added few scrap boxes to reward the exploration.
- Added new shortcuts in Sectors 02 and 05.
- Made some 1 way paths 2 way in Sectors 02, 03 and 07.

Added a few new non-interactive props in several sectors: Various antennas, dead colonists and alien growths.

- Fixed issue causing energy sometimes to drop to 0 when crafting items.
- Removed "Where am I? Am I dead?" text from load cutscene as it wasn't being triggered right, and it's very tricky to fix.
- Fixed issue with one of the ancient floaters not activating if the player stayed on the edge of the gameplay area.
- Added more energy drops for training bots and drones, so the player can use the overdrive more exhaustively while fight them.
- Removed redundant signposting for the control room in Sector 01 which doesn’t make too much sense after the layout changes we made post launch.
- Training Drone Feeder scaled to minimize clipping with Training Drones.
Let us know your feedback!