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cover-Pavlov VR

Friday, December 6, 2024 10:41:20 PM

Update 31 - Hotfix

Some minor fixes for the last update. Based on feedback from community server owners we have added an option to force mandatory VOIP capture for replays to help with moderation. The server information tab in the community server browser will disclose if VOIP capture is forced on a server.


-Adjusted EULA
-Adjusted oilrig scissorlift to allow penetration to match original map
-Fixed OG containers not showing up
-Fixed a SKS skin having an issue with magazine
-Fixed an out of bounds exploit in Siberia
The Hide
-Fixed The Hide Free Roam mode not working
-Increased The Hide grenade % to 0.45
-Reduced gas grenade damage taken for the monster
-Prevented gas grenade pin being pulled before the round starts
Community Servers
-Added VOIP Capture options for Pavlov TV: PavTVVOIPMode=1
0 = no voip recorded
1 = voip recorded if users opt in (default)
2 = force enable voip capture for replays
Pavlov TV
-Adjusted lobby broadcasting to limit live matches to Push and SnD (we are going to adjust this overtime once we can gather more analytics)
-Minor adjustments to UI Sounds
-Adjusted the quit button to make it clear as to what it does