Weekly Community Wrap-Up: 5th May 2023
Did you know there are just 5 days to go until Core Keeper’s Paws & Claws Update? We’ve been super busy getting everything prepared for this major content update, and we’ve been sharing lots of little teasers and fun things over on Twitter too!
Caveling Plushie Twitter Giveaway
We teased our Caveling Plushie in last week’s wrap-up and we’re very excited to announce that we’ll be selecting 2x lucky winners to get their hands on one via our Twitter giveaway! You can enter here.
Watch out for Hungry Cattle!
We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, be careful when wandering around the Meadow-sub biome with food in your hands.
Discord Emojis
We added a whole bunch of emojis to our official Discord server. How many additions from the Paws & Claws update can you spot?
Meadow Music
A new sub-biome means new music. Our wonderful composer, Jonathan Geer, put together this jovial arrangement for the Meadows in Core Keeper. What do you think?
Take a Stroll Through the Stone Biome…
…and meet some cute-looking critters! These bug-like cattle are super friendly, and we’re sure you’ll all be keen to start a farm of your own.
“I’m Smeeeeelting”
We’re adding more and more to Core Keeper with every update, but we’re also revisiting early-game content and making some improvements and additions here. Check out our new Glass Smelter.
What’s Your Favourite Idea? Ours is Being Creative!
Here’s another cheeky Creative-Mode preview to get you excited about getting creative.
Keep That Core Tight!
Discord user, Earl_Here, shared this super cool pic of a Core-Keeper-themed workout top that their friend made them. We love seeing your arts, crafts, and creations!
The Armory
Check out this awesome use of circuitry in Discord user, Kalabera’s armory.
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Join the Conversation on Discord: http://discord.gg/corekeeper