Abandon Ship Review (sumdumguy)
So it's a grinder that doesn't really deliver at the end (no spoilers) Upgrade all the way to max an you're still going to find yourself at the short end of the stick on some of the more difficult enemies (or bosses) so you're going to grind through saves and try to do what you can to max stats. Be warned some of the negative stats cannot be gotten rid of so the only thing you can do is fire the crew member and regrind them to a max stat.
As for the quests? Some of them are really well thoughtout and some of them you can tell the story writers pretty much said 'to heck with it' and just closed the story line. In a lot of cases, there's literally zero recourse for 'getting revenge' it's just BOOM quest ended, you got bested and you call it a day. BUT the main narrative is that you're a pirate on a revenge mission of sorts so if you can't get revenge then what's the point?
So after grinding to the end, the replayability in this isn't so great. You might get some good hours of fun, but once you max level and his the proverbial glass ceiling, that's it.
If you like this type of game, there are definitely plenty of 'open world' sandbox games that are definitely more thought out (and no I'm not talking about the triple-A titles, there's plenty of indies that do it well too)