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cover-Achilles: Legends Untold

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 12:21:34 AM

Achilles: Legends Untold Review ((A)Polonia)

I've tried to like this game, but is just not worth it. I've spent 14 hours more than anyone should because i am one to usually end a game before giving it a review, but Achilles: Legends Untold doesn't deserve this just like i don't deserve to keep suffering needlessly by playing this dissapointment of a game;
The premise of the game is simple: you are Achilles and you died at the Trojan War but were given a second chance, resurfacing in Greece 10 years after the end of the War to find everything is bad.
The gameplay is a mixture of ARPG with Souls-like, with a stamina bar for rolls and attacks along with a "fury" bar for your weapon skills. The game tries to do a lot of different things, but none is particularly deep so there's a very limited crafting system, with some enemies dropping resources needed for some one-use items. Later on there will be some "rifts" that you can choose to close, but they are basically very small arenas. There will also be this big monsters from another dimension that you can hunt down to get skill points, but they are all the same. Achilles also has a Star-sign attribute system (something which reminds me a little of Grim Dawn), but it is horrible: the star signs used in the game are neither the classic >GREEK< ones, nor something interesting (like the 12 tasks of Herakles/Hercules).
The game have some pretty sites, but they are few and far between, most of the time just being some sort of "generic Greek ruin" or another. Enemy design is very dull and repetitive, and after the first few hours (3-4) you will have seen most of what the game has to offer. The enemies are divided in: human (different kinds of soldiers), then wolves,dogs, and lions (just reskins), Cyclops and Gryphons (these two are the only two Mythological monsters you will be facing), then Big Soldier Statue, skeleton, Big Skeleton, plant, Big plant, Bug, giant scorpion. The enemies might have different skins, but mostly just behave the same.
The story of the game is dull and manage to be even worse than the gameplay, with atrocious voice acting from most of the cast, forgetful characters, uninspiring design and too much "not now, i will explain this later" going on. If anyone knows what "foreshadowing" means, well, this game doesn't understand the concept of the word, making everything too obvious all of the time.
Not every game has to have a great story, and that's fine, but the fact that Achilles TRIES TO make it all that much worse. It even tries to give you some choices by letting you decide to either execute or spare some boss enemies.
I think one of the greatest disappointments of the game is that it tries everything, accomplishing nothing. If you want a Greek Tragedy, Greek mythology enemies or anything remotely connected to that, you WON'T find it here. If you want a weak, but serviceable story also, you won't find it here, instead you will find something written by a 14 year old boy who skipped History lessons and never managed to grab a book, with all the male characters trying to force some deep, rough voices and a very buffed, not crippled Hephaestus.
The "GAIA AI", which is supposed to make the enemies interact between each other in interesting ways (one of the major selling points of the game) rarely shows and, more often than not, it's poorly implemented.
I see this game got a lot of positive reviews, but i also noticed by all of the VERY RARE ACHIEVEMENTS that i got from the game, and that are just mostly story progression, that most people didn't even manage to finish the first part of the game.
Keep your distance or check this game some years from now. Achilles has a lot of cool ideas that are just VERY, VERY POORLY implemented.
One of the good things about all of this is that i did manage to get a lot of friends from removing this game from their wishlists, because no one deserves to throw their money away at this poor attempt at a game.