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Saturday, January 6, 2024 12:06:32 PM

Affogato Review (Robin)

I loved the design, characters and music of this game. The story was alright, good enough to keep you going. The game play was serviceable but with a lot of room for improvement.
Combat ("Reverse Towerdefence"):
- not enough unit choices meant that some maps you rly didnt have much strategic variety
- difficulty seemed to be all over the place
- sometimes your units get randomly shuffled around on 180 turns which can be really frustrating when its already not always easy to get them into the desired order
- the mechanics of the last boss fight are not poorly explained, they arent explained at all and seemed very unintuitive to me
Rest of the game play:
- making coffee seemed pretty inconsequential, shouldve made it part of running your coffee shop in the mornings
- the questlog only had space for a single quest at a time and would regularly override still active older quests with your rent payment deadline which makes it hard to keep track of your story deadlines
- money was abundant and made the rent deadlines pretty uninteresting anyways
I do hope they try something like this (or a sequel) again and improve on it further.