Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Review (Diplomat)
"Süleyman" nasıl yazarsınız lan??? Babanızın asker arkadaşı mı??? Eskiden Muhteşem Süleyman yazıyordu niye bozdunuz? Alman hala Great. Son 5-10 yıldır aşırı bir anti-türklük var bu seride >:(
Edit: Thanks for fixing Janissary problem but, the others stay for now. Also, I have USA dlc but, it says I need to buy it again also, it says I've already have it so, I can't buy it :D
How can you change it as "Suleiman" instead of "Suleiman the Magnicifent" ???? Was he your father's soldier friend??? German Kaiser "Great" You haven not change it yet. Last 5-10 years you have really problem with Turks. Anti-Turkism!
Fix it please again as Suleiman the Magnicifent!
Abus gun fires small CANONS! How can not they damage area? It was like that (1 area damage) before definitive edition.
Great Bombard must have at least 500-550 health after the new DLC.
Please, make a limited villagers like 99 but + unlimited population so, let people build grand cities with a lot of houses...
Please! You need to add min 10 more hitpoints for Janissary! It's not more powerful than musteekers when he fights british mustekeer. It should be 220 hitpoints with 75 foods 25 coins . Or 245 hitpoints with 100 foods 25 coins. And please do 140 hitpoints for abus gun. And Great bombard for 500 not 475 as europians and please forts should hit siege not range and it should be not 3 seconds it should be 1.5 seconds. They are exremly bad. t means min 2 people in the outposts etc. and If you will do 245 hitpoints and 100 foods 25 coins please add some hand attack too. They are already lack of bonus even if they have Nizam-ı Cedid reform and they have sword but it is 30. Musteekers have rifle with little bit knife but they have 29 power :/ The walls are very weak too :/ Also ranked Deathmatch should start age 1 , There are alot of missing things and Asian Empires lacks of buildings :/
It's my favorit age of! Please, don't make it the worst game of all time!!!