Akka Arrh Review (forceinfinity)
It's a Llamasoft game. You like the other Llamasoft games, you'll love this one. This game does give you a chance to ease into it with the tutorial levels before the game says "you've had your fun, now I have my fun" and ratchets up the difficulty. With practice I've found my scores have improved.
One thing I would've liked is to have the global highscores a little easier to find. I've stumbled into them, but it seems like you need a game controller to happen upon them. As a mouse keyboard user, I can bring up the local scores, but can't for the life of me bring up the table that shows my score relative to other players UNLESS I use a game controller.
Annoyances with the highscore table aside, if I have to sum up Akka Arrh in one word.... Lovely!