Albion Online Review (Aodos)
I've played this game for longer than I can remember, since before it came to steam and I can say if you want a grind and a time investment this game is worth it. This game is not for the faint of heart due to it being full loot in some places of the map. But there is content for everyone, For non full loot PVP you have Yellow/Blue zone faction, Arenas and now crystals and Hellgates. For people who only want PVE we have HCEs, "Raids", and many other options though some are in full loot zones it can be worth the risk. For market players like myself there is a completely player driven market. This meaning everything seen at each city is owned by players. This can lead to some fun and interesting ways to gain your ECO and have nearly anything you want.
The only suggestion I'd make to anyone wanting to get into the game this late into its life. Find a group of people to play with. THIS IS NOT A SOLO GAME. There are aspects of solo play but true end game is 5-X amount of players. With 5706 hours as of writing this I have played well over 5-6 years maybe longer of this game. There is almost always something to do as long as you have the people and the motivation.