Amnesia: The Dark Descent Review (Vegan)
Playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent in 2025 was an eye-opening experience. Despite its age, it stands tall among modern horror games. The gameplay feels polished, with physics-based interactions that remain impressive. While I’m not the biggest fan of puzzles, the game strikes a great balance. They’re neither too easy nor too hard, and they’re tied to the narrative in ways that make solving them rewarding.
The story is the heart of the game, delivered in a way that’s mysterious and compelling. It kept me curious throughout, as every note and memory revealed critical details. Paying close attention to the story isn’t just enriching, it’s essential. The narrative is layered with meaning, and small decisions can impact the outcome significantly.
While the game isn’t overwhelmingly scary, perhaps due to my higher scare tolerance, the tension is palpable. The NPCs are faster than you, so running is often your only option. This mechanic, coupled with the eerie atmosphere, keeps you on edge. One standout feature is the immediate feedback when solving puzzles, which subtly confirms you’re on the right track without breaking immersion.
It’s funny to think I discovered this classic through PewDiePie years ago. The rich story, creative gameplay, and immersive design make it a must-play, even today. Modern horror games could learn a lot from Amnesia’s creativity and depth.
Rating: 9/10. Playing it in 2025 was absolutely worth the time.