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cover-Among Us

Tuesday, November 26, 2024 1:38:55 AM

Among Us Review (ShibaDaRaccoon)

Great game, solid gameplay mechanics and fun, Issue is getting a match gives me braindamage. Since Amongus bases is lobbies from a host who decides everything, hosts can mess up the settings (Set the run speed to lightspeed and setting meeting times to 5 mins per meeting) and ban you from the lobby randomly for the worlds most petty reasons (Such as You beat them fairly and they got butthurt, They wanted the pick the color you have so they ban you so they can have it... etc). It feels like this choice was made for lazy reasons, aka The devs didn't want to figure out how to moderate the community so they just threw all responsibility on the users. I'm not sure what other reason there would be to not have a quick join feature that autofills lobbies, and letting one 14 year old with a god complex ban whoever for no reason at all is not fun. If I could play with like 11 other friends I think I would have a blast with this game, but dealing with the multiplayer "systems" actually is painful... Oh yeah and the rampent disconnections, either just the servers being meh at best OR people leaving when they dont get imposter and now you have a lobby of 8 people with three imposters..... after searching for a lobby for 10 minutes.... Super fun getting imposter after 2 hours and then you got dc'ed for reasons not even remotely related to your internet.

TLDR, if you are playing with a group of friends its amazing, if you are playing with randoms, you can have the best time or a miserable night.

Oh and if you are competative, good luck convincing the crew filled with 9 year olds just learning what a thought is and how to use it. (I get it, its a casual game, but nothing hurts more than getting a lobby filled with zombies smashing every key infront of them for no reason and you lose because the people on your "team" dont even seem like they are alive.)

That reminds me! the rampant Trolling/ no no word saying. Letting people name themselves racist things and type random slurs... I mean look, at a certain point its not even offensive edgy trolling it's just an annoying and bored kid saying things to feel something for once in their stale lives. The trolling comes in the forms of sitting in the lobby waiting for the emergency button to come off cooldown to either A) Just piss people off or B) Just accuse someone and get them voted out for literally no reason.. My first TWO matches ended in the second way.... I literally booted up the game, loaded in, got assigned crew, walked to my first task and in the middle of that the troll hit the button said it was me and I was voted out.

And the thing Is, I'm not "new" to social deduction games, this one just has two main issues, catering to kids and having piss poor moderation of the community (In terms of no autofill lobbies, letting people ban others from a lobby for no reason, the trolling and no no saying twerps)

I Don't know how I would fix it, in its current state, but TBH it's a damn shame because the game itself IS fun and I will play it from time to time but hot damn dealing with this stuff beyond irritates me.