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cover-Atlas Fallen

Thursday, August 10, 2023 6:35:09 AM

Atlas Fallen Review (Flaunt It)

This game is literally Forspoken 2.0
But instead of annoying protagonist and cuff, we get boring protagonist and glove.
The annoying duo from Forspoken at least sometimes made me smile with that cringy banter, intentionally or not, doesn't matter.
These here - just bores me to tears.
And the game does the same thing Forspoken did. They freeze you in place, make you unable to move until you finish listening to the dialogue between protagonist and the glove...
Frey had super speed thanks to the cuff.
Here u don't have super speed, u have sand sliding (which works the same, 90% of the terrain is sand)... meaning u have super speed but on sand - very innovative.
Combat is clunky as hell, and it comes from me - a dude that is in love with Piranha Bytes games (Gothic, Risen, Elex) and even I found it to clunky for my liking.
Some sounds are straight up missing, you execute the attack and there is complete silence. It feels like some audio files are just missing.
Framerate on RTX3060 is also not stable. Setting stuff to High (not even Very High) causes frame drops. On DX12 it falls to 45. On Vulkan - every framerate indicator shows 60, but you can see the game stutters and looks like it lands below 30 at times.