Avowed Review (Yuria Yeen)
Let me start with this, because I know many people will do it. I did it of course! This is not Skyrim or a TES game, it is an Action RPG like them, but don't expect lots of random loot or tons of collectible plants, insects, fish, and other things. Not everything in this world can even be picked up. Oh and stealth is a bit different in this game. Though I play this on normal lower difficulties you can probably one-shit enemies with the bow. Also at this moment I'm only 5 hours in but I must gush!
Anyway, now that's set aside. Lets get into the good!
Combat - Such a good feeling aspect of this game, each blow feels like it hits and then to add they have a stagger mechanic that lets you do a really fancy attack, like bows firing multiple arrows or guns charging up. Its such a neat aspect. Then there's a nice blocking mechanic that makes it feel worth using! The dodge feels kind of mediocre in the start of the game. Not sure how much this can change later.
Visuals - Beautiful, do I need to say more? Obsidian put love and care into this game and you can tell. Just like with Fallout Las Vegas and The Outerworlds they care about their world. The texture looks pretty good, sure like any game if you get too close it looks flat, but most part your not going to be putting your nose against a wall.
Dialogue - I'm enjoying the voice acting. Nothing I'd say that has managed to jump out at me yet. But its not horrible at all. The VA's did a solid job here. I'm sure as I get further I might catch some really good voices and some bad, happens in lots of RPG's. Long as the story remains solid.
Gender - This one goes out to those "anti-woke" people. This game respects your choice with gender select. They don't over complicate it but they still use the biggest three. Him/She/They, of and you can use a male voice with a female body or vice versa, so if you want to play as your trans fantasy self there's that! Enjoy, this is your story right?
No Bugs! - Big-big one, we see tons and tons of bugs at least on most games especially RPG's. Absolute gamebreaking bugs and we're playing 5 days early and I have only run into one minor glitch! The one where it makes you walk very rapidly up and down a small incline because it can't tell where your standing. But that's been the only one, they did amazing!
Stealth - I can't say I'm enjoy this aspect of the game quite as much honestly. Mostly because when I use my sneak attack its a animated kill that forces me to stand up and trigger combat with multiple enemies. Stealth is more for like if their spread out and you want to deal with them. Because unless your playing on easy, your not one-shotting them with ranged.
Uh that's about all I really have on cons right now. I might come back and update this later once I've beaten the game.