Batman: Arkham Asylum Review (Akka)
Rocksteady is rife with sexist bigoted men who subject their victimized women coworkers to harassment and inappropriate behavior. Behold this scathing critique that ten women from Rocksteady signed, all by themselves!
The letter raised complaints about behaviour including “slurs regarding the transgendered community” and “discussing a woman in a derogatory or sexual manner with other colleagues”, and sexual harassment “in the form of unwanted advances, leering at parts of a woman’s body, and inappropriate comments in the office”.
When will dumb white men learn that women are not equal to men? They're better. Men flirting with women is sexism. The only men that can flirt are six feet tall, make six figures, and have six pack abs. Women are queens and all deserve the best!
Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn's designs are sexist because they're revealing. Much like Barbie, these fictional characters reinforce harmful stereotypes that attack women.