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Saturday, December 17, 2022 9:24:28 AM

Blacktail Review (Snoozer000)

I almost never make reviews. especially on release of games. But this time ill make an exception. Im pleasantly surprised. Its hard to describe. Its like a mix of conkers bad furday character design, brutal legends map design all the while its Slavic folklore equivalent of Alice in wonder land. But Alice got treated like a witch. The plot is actually good? the voice acting is good? im not use to indie games being good on release I have incredibly low expectations. The collectibles tell you about Slavic folk lore. its pretty nice.
I accidentally beat the game at 19 hours as good. I unlocked a +play through and actually I feal like beating it again.very rarely do I 100% a game im very flaky as a gamer. But this game I might put more effort into. I guess I missed content because I wasnt even full build when I won. So easily im guessing i missed 30% of stuff? I only had 2/3 of talent tree unlocked and about 70% of collectables. Your first playthrough can easily be 20-30 hours depending on how bad you rush it. The mechanics of the game give it replayability. Theres good/bad alignment, good/bad alignment quest givers and apperently a campaign+ so Ill see how that goes.
hardly any annoying bugs. So far I have had an audio glitch at the END of the game and two chests not being opened at the first fight due to enemies stuck in ground.I just kept try until they spawned out of the ground or I was able to AOE them through the floor. I have to say VERY UNUSUAL! most indie games are beyond buggy but this was clearly polished before release.
My critiques of the game? It is WAY too easy to poison yourself and its WAY too easy to get fall damage. Some of the environment you slide off hills. Jump is too low. But these are minor gripes. The game is good and IMO its worth the current price. some things seem hard to unlock? the "specialist" alignment I didnt even touch until the end of the game which to me is too late. I didnt even get it upgraded. having certain changes to the environment due to your alignment with for example larva/ants would have been nice.
I wont spoil too much. I guess ill post a thread in discussions if anyone has questions.