Blazing Strike Review (Crozz)
There are infinites! That's okay!! They aren't true infinites, you can EASILY break any combo with a rush parry (I wish they would have explained this mechanic up front because people are freaking out who haven't even touched the game or played outside of training mode) just tap forward to parry regularly (think third strike with a huge generous timing window) to rush parry (burst) just hit the rush button and forward in between attacks as they land. Breaks the combo and pushes them back a bit.
It is a really fun game with a little jank that will be sorted out. I respect the amount of dedication that went into some of these animations. The monks heavy kick, Oro's stomp and many other eye catching transitions.
I love hand drawn 2D sprites and I want to see more games like this, so I am supporting 100%. Also the rush/dash mechanic is super fun to play around! The meter is generous and replenishes fast! It is definitely there to be used!
I would love to see an extra super for each character down the line. I feel a couple characters could use an extra move or two to flesh them out (Alexander has two special moves, strong moves but only two. MJ needs at least one ex move right?)
Character design is so on point. I like each character a lot. I would main any of them happily.
The lobby matches need fixed and some people have been crashing in quick play matches. I've mostly been playing locally. I'm sure all of this will get sorted before long.
The devs are already announcing free DLC. Very cool to dream of making your own fighter and just doing it.
I personally don't think $40 is a bad price point but that will be different for everyone. I will play on and off for hours so I will get plenty of enjoyment out of it. More enjoyment than a two hour movie at a cinema that would cost me $50 for me and my girl to be entertained for two hours.
If you like the look of it, I say grab it and find a friend to play or play on parsec for now. The bugs should get worked out eventually.
If you prefer super polished triple A titles, save your money. Plenty of good bigger studio fighters to choose from. If you get burnt out pick it up on sale.
Have fun!!