Bomber Crew: Secret Weapons Review (♥ Mali ♥)
I already suck at the main game itself and this DLC makes everything much harder. Firstly, snow! You're still in the same map flying off from Britain and over the English Channel into France and Germany but now its winter, its all covered in snow! Looks really nice. There is a few different enemy types who hit a bit too fucking hard if I'm honest. You still use your British crew and plane here, the same ones you use in the main campaing. You can switch back and forth between main campaing missions and Secret Weapons missions any time you want. One of the other things is that this DLC is much more linear. Like in the main campaing yeah you have critical missions so its linear but you can still choose to do a few different things here and there. In here thats not a thing anymore there's mission 1, mission 2, mission 3 and so on its much more linear.
+New snowy, winter environment.
+New equipment for you and new planes for your enemies.
+You can switch back and forth between the main campaing missions and Secret Weapons missions anytime you want. Your plane and your crew with all their equipment and upgrades and skills carry over. I'd even say its beneficial to do both campaings at the same time rather then finish one campaing first then finish the other.
+/- Both in the main campaing, in the USAAF DLC and in here I always get my ass kicked. I simply suck. I can't tell if one is harder then the other all I know is I can't fucking win. Hopefully you'll be better then me and if you end up always dying and never being able to progress after a few missions then welcome to the ride brother. I've been having that issue no matter which campaing I go into.
-Much more linear. No more "do some side missions then do a critical mission" now its just "yeah you did the first mission? Wonderful. Now do the second one. Oh you're starting a new campaing from the beginning? Ok do the first mission again then. Oh no its not different at all don't worry." I would have liked more stuff I suppose.
I'd say that I like the USAAF campaing more, its my fav cuz I love the B-17 and I'd say that the main campaing is my 2nd favorite because I can progress a lot more in the main campaing compared to this campaing. I get my ass kicked 2-3 missions in. I still have fun but damn...