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cover-Chained Together

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 4:18:28 PM

Chained Together Review (Menphues)

What a bloody fun game!

If you want to rage but also laugh at the same time, this is the game for you :)

Graphics: The graphics are not amazing, but then graphics do not make a game which works nicely for this game. It's simple but effective. There are SOME areas where you can see odd effects or even a wall but it's not a wall because it's a thin paper graphic modelled wrongly but it's fine.

Audio: Simple audio, simple sounds, nothing drastic but you are not playing this game for the audio.

Controls: Super simple rebinding your keys to your hearts content and off you go!

Game-play and everything else after: So there is solo mode so you can do this alone if you'd like but doing so, you take a huge portion of the game out of it.

You can choose from an open chain where all the characters are connect - This I noticed does have a flaw. Some parts of the map it will wrap around but others it will not, which does take away from the physics of the game, this could be better making the chain MORE of an object.
- You can also choose a single file chain which one person leads, the rest follow.

Either way, you all need to stick together and work as a team, you need to jump at the same time, co-ordinate and move around to make sure you are in-sync basically. This is good fun.

There is basically only one other mode the lava mode - This is as it says, you need to climb as fast as possible without the lava catching you up. Cool and intense. The other modes are not really modes but more or less easier mechanics, example beginner means you can reset to the highest place obtain but even this is a little flawed on some parts because you can get higher, fall and then when pressing reset to highest point it takes you down a little, like some weird issue. The other mode is if you fall, there is NO reset to highest point, you fall you fall... So you best land on something and work your way up OR start again - These are technically not really modes but more mechanics making the game have normal mode or speed lava mode.

The game is fun and a kinda puzzle solving game. You have to climb up and up to get to the top as a team. Along the way, there are wings to collect but these wings do not unlock anything. They are just... collectables which can be ignored.

There are 4 characters to choose from, all men as well which is fine. It's a game but I play with my wife (giggidy) and obviously she might want to play a female? Also, character customising might be fun! Unlocking items, funny and stupid but sadly this is missed.. You get what you get and off you go!

The game is designed for co-op and to play with others, with that being said it's team work. You need to work as a team as you ascend the obstacles to the top.

Replayability? Well once you reach the top, there isn't really any other maps to do which is kind meh. Yes, you could go again with a different chain or even the hot lava mode but how many times can you do that.

I hope the developers DO add more maps/modes so we can keep playing because it is a very enjoyable game!

It is a pretty long climbing game to be fair and it's hard to speed or find fun launch mechanics but otherwise it's a fun team game that you'll find laughing and raging! Soooo many times my friends and I have screamed at someone because they did not jump OR they say they did but obviously did not so they pull you off the map, fun times!

I guess what I am trying to say, there used to be a saying "If you want to see what type of friend you have, stick them in-front of a slow loading computer and see how they react... This has now changed to play this game with them and see how quickly they get annoyed when you yeet yourself off the map!

Would I recommend this game? Without a doubt, worth every penny! If anything, I think the game should at least double it's cost because it's a lot of fun!