Chivalry 2 Review (Fed)
TLDR: Greedy, incompetent and childish devs. That basically sums up this game's handling as of late sadly.
- Content is drip fed so slowly that even if you took a 2 year break, you'd be hard pressed to notice any meaningful additions to the game, and be forgiven for assuming it was abandonware at this point. Yet in the same state, they're fine with pushing out over priced cosmetic DLC/battlepasses that have no tangible impact on gameplay... If you're going to push your game as being "hecking wholesome live service product!!1", the community at large would appreciate something more than 1 mediocre weapon and a half baked map every 6-8 months...
I'm almost suspicious of this game being a racketeering operation for close friends to get an easy paycheck at this point, just because of how slow and amateurish the recent content is (leaders sit back and rack in all the cash and free time, and the expendable new blood devs do all the work with their job on the line)
- Cheating has exploded in this game. Prior to crossplatform for the Microsoft store being added cheating was basically non existent. However, Steam and EGS users get a nice middle finger in the form of kernel level anti cheat, yet due to this game being on the gamepass it has been terrorised by cheaters, since the Microsoft store version has ZERO anti cheat for Microsoft players... There's currently an epidemic of cheaters and typically there's usually a cheater in every 1/3 games (whether it's invisibility, invincibility, speed, x-rays, auto block, etc...), and sadly due to the nature of the servers, they can actually bypass the kick functions and ruin lobbies uncontested
Even IF they got their account banned, because the nature of the gamepass, they can just make a new account and sub for ONE DOLLAR and cheat punishment free all over again... The worst part is that even though Steam/EGS players have been BEGGING Torn Banner to add a disable crossplay function due to this issue, the devs chose to close any discussion mentioning this deeming it as "elitest" behaviour, while simultaneously demanding the players be more accepting of "less fortunate" people who can only play via the gamepass for a short time... least gas lighting dev team
- Devs are a on such a whole other level of ego trip and enabling for specific types of abuse, it's cringe beyond belief and even gives the Mordhau devs a run for their money, a small taste: Banning people in their streams, forums and regular perma muting in the game chat for talking about certain issues about the game (cheaters, team swap abusing, inbalanced weapons/maps, etc...) claiming it's "off topic spam". Actively lying about the state and player base of the game's population and growth. Promoting selective racism but banning others IE; you can spam "KILL ALL WHITES/ASIANS" ingame endlessly (there are people who are max level with over a thousand hours in the game who do this as an obvious sh*tpost, but are still never banned) yet if you even mention something as banal as the old "13 50" meme in response you're perma banned no fuss. Obvious flamebaiting is untouched such as the classic "trans rights are human rights!" spam, but people who react to it even neutrally are banned constantly for saying things as trite like "what does this have to do with the game?" lol (this happened to one of the bigger comp players/streamers live). People shit talking cheaters regularly get banned, yet the same person cheating will have their account untouched for weeks on end. One notorious dev member (person who runs their discord) bans people who kill him too often ingame, and brags about people having to give the company more money if they want to play again (aka buying game on a new account, promoting ban evasion in their own game). There's another entire blog's post more of things they do but I'm gonna skip to the most egregious one they've pulled
This last one is the most retarded corpo BS I've seen in my whole life, and should be the reason no one gives this dev/publisher a single dollar going forward: Devs blacklist content creators who don't ENDLESSLY boot lick their every whim (a single negative comment is enough to get you removed), to the point most big CC's didn't even mention Soter Dave's suicide (one of the most influential people in the game's entire community) which Torn Banner heavily contributed to due to banning him for a April fools joke about how easy it is to cheat, out of spite. They put out a "gag order" to their sponsored content creators on the issue and only ONE youtuber had the balls to speak out and talk about this, all while torn banner had the AUDACITY to warn people to "please respond with kindness and respect for each other" (hint: when they meant each other, they meant Torn Banner) in the comments of a reddit thread... Devs literally contributed to a guy committing suicide cuz he made them regularly look bad, and their only response was "wow this is so sad, also if you call us out you're banned" (reddit post is still up, but it's a ghost town because of how many of the replies got nuked). They also are flagging reviews mentioning this
Game itself in general is good, 95% of the game's community are chill/cool and good sports, and is fine upgrade from Chiv 1/Mordhau in overall quality, but the support for the game and the developers behaviour is simply despicable. I'll still play from time to time, but I'd hard press people not to give a dime to these devs going onward.