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cover-Chronique des Silencieux

Thursday, June 6, 2024 1:58:24 AM

Chronique des Silencieux Review (schubertienne)

I played this game primarily in French, so I cannot comment extensively on localization issues. Occasionally, I referred to the English translation to make sure I had understood the text correctly, and I found it reasonable.
Overall, I enjoyed Chronique des Silencieux, and I liked the detective work and the puzzles. It is not a particularly easy game, but I was able to complete most of my leads without any hints. The exploration is also fairly open-ended. The game reminds me of Lamplight City, except it is not possible to actually come to a completely incorrect conclusion.
The game is stymied by many bugs, the most egregious of which is faulty game logic and assumptions about player progression. (In the Prologue, my leads page contained information that I had not actually found yet. Later, in Chapter 2, Eugène reveals some details in his meet-up with Yves that I suspect I was not supposed to know yet, although I did already have some inklings of what he discussed.) However, the developer has been extremely responsive to bug reports, which I appreciate.