Cities: Skylines II - Creator Pack: Urban Promenades Review (AesopTock)
Good job paradox, way to fulfill the season pass with this as equally weak ass offering as the beach properties. This should be free just like the regional packs recently put on your terrible ass virus laden mod platform pdx mods. Ya'll C-suite idiots need to read the room, people getting fed up with getting screwed. Maybe do the simple honest thing, and do what you say. Not mislead with false promises and then blame you customers for "unrealistic expectations". We only get those if you lay the foundations for them you infallible self important ego blinded studio heads, we aren't pulling these demands out of our asses, YOU SET THEM NOT US.
Also please define what a Promenade is to the player base. Clearly there are two conflicting definitions going on with this DLC, because this looks like a generic building asset pack that was cooked up at the least imaginative 21st century architectural firm ya'll could find on the cheap. Let me help you out:
1. a place for strolling (noun)
2. a leisurely walk or ride especially in a public place for pleasure or display (verb)
3. a ceremonious opening of a formal ball consisting of a grand march of all the guests (verb)
1. a path for walking on, especially one built next to the sea. (noun)
2. to walk slowly along a road or path for pleasure (verb)
These are just two examples of the noun form of the word clearly describing open air walking/public spaces for gatherings and events near geographical waterfronts of towns. There are plenty more definitions of a similar fashion, which I will add if those leave any ambiguity for anyone, if you'd like me to continue, but I'm sure the savvy among you will be able to fill in the rest.
This game still does not have bicycles as a mode of transportation and then releases "Promenades" with no actual promenade type spaces for pedestrians while already having released a "beach property" themed DLC in which PROMENADES SHOULD BE PART OF ALREADY. I swear Paradox is assuming we're all morons and don't know the meanings of words. This is another blatant fuck you too all the people like myself who foolishly supported the development of this dumpster fire pre-release. Seriously where are the fucking bikes, pedestrians may be a figment of Americans imagination but not in other parts of the world that aren't suburban hellscapes.
I loved CS:1, and I very much wanted to help support the evolution of this series, but with this continual assault by the company we support giving us falsely advertised and mislabeled products, while also not meeting timelines and release promises, has begun actively preventing me from purchasing other DLC's for other Paradox products I love. (Sorry Vicky 3, CK:3, and Stellaris)
Costs of doing business like an asshole I guess. Eventually another studio will usurp your niche in the industry if you keep up this bullshit, and I'll let you know I'll be on the front line cheering for their success over yours because you keep choosing to screw with those who "chose" your product. Remember that we the player base can either choose to play or not play, the players have the choice, not your fucking investors. Their short term gains will lead to your long term destruction, because lets be real, your reputation damage over the last 3 years is only getting worse, not better.
PDX executive and management staff for the love of everything try to see things from the perspective of your customers for 5 seconds and ask yourselves if you believe that this current model is sustainable. Fuck your subscription services and half baked attempts at DLC's without testing them to see if they work with the game(like 85% of Stellaris DLC's breaking the game one way or another...), think about the outward perception that gives people of your company. You look weak, disorganized, callous, craven and anti consumer.
This is not a rant against the content creator themselves who made this pack. Are the assets well made and look good in game engine, sure. Did they use your assets Feindbold for a pack with a dishonest label to the actual content delivered, you're damn right they did. So I'm sorry to the creator who made these assets, you're doing what they asked you to do, no hate there, its just how they would take your work and try to advertise it as something that is not that I find despicable. So good on you Feindbold, you made some nice assets if you like that kind of post modern design, but to each their own I get it. Ascetics are a personal preference.
I will be shocked the day Paradox actually fulfills one of these season pass offerings with an actual content drop worth price they made us pay. I still want a damn refund. Also where my &*^*(!^#@*(&!^(@*# BRIDGES & PORTS PACK (Q2 2024).
Also this is supposed to be one of the compensatory creator packs added due to the Beachfront Properties debacle, and if this is what they're considering a fair trade in the price for an expansion DLC.... well it just shows that your money is worth more to them than even trying feign effort in fixing the situation by outsourcing their response to their own bad press by not actually fixing game mechanics but giving you more pretty looks stickers to place down on the tiles. Paradox didn't make these so if the customers didn't like it they can 'sever ties with an unsuccessful content creator' instead of Paradox owning up themselves for the screw ups. Make the simulation work in this game. Make it so cities over 250k populaiton don't look like ghost towns due to no cars or people on the roads. This game has a long way to go just to work correctly as a city simulation first(too many to list... will add if clarification needed). It's almost been a year and 2 months and some game mechanic fundamentals still aren't fixed.
All of this because they wanted to rush a release to get this game out for consoles before Christmas of 2023, which by the way, still hasn't been released on consoles. Great decision idiots, maybe this should've stayed incubating for another year, but ya know, investor class needs to see line go up or they take their bottles and warm milk money somewhere else. Craven ass idiots destroying their own brand and company from with in. So stupid looking from the outside looking in. Do better Paradox.
-this more than anything makes the way you handled the release look even more insane as your screwing your PC players, content creators reputations and potentially exposing your customers and employees to malicious actors and acts. Ya'll are beyond shameful for this.
- also if you want mods for a console game, work with the console developers for that, making your mod service for their products. This one act has single-handedly delayed the implementation of more critical simulation fixes as they try to pull double duty managing the mod site and game itself and still releasing a console version.
-if your concern is modding for console games, ask yourself, why hasn't this been implemented before? Because PC and console game releases deal with different hardware and OS restrictions and are not a universal platform. "And for what?" I ask, how many console players are there really out there who play games like this and expect modding. Most enthusiasts of this genre know you need gaming PC hardware to run these games properly in the first place, why are we catering to people who are self isolating themselves into gaming networks that share nothing with the PC space. Most of these types of consumers act like their exclusive corporate gaming space is sacred and not to be pierced from the outside unless you submit exclusively to your xbox or playstation overlords. Unifying the console and PC versions of this game is a fools errand locking the developers into hardware restrictions from devices with 16-17' hardware released in 2020. Separate these two products(pc/console) and finish one for fucks sake.