Cities: Skylines II Review (JesterHunikin)
So this is from someone who played CS1 both modded and vanilla, with access to the DLCs (some features of which should have been in the base game, and others available as working mods from dedicated modders).
I would not recommend this game in it's current state, as it is buggy and does not work once the zombies take over (Note: This is not a zombie survival game).
Roads will glitch when creating intersections, offramps, etc. (which is probably why they recently released a visual "patch" that allows adding pavement, etc.
Your processing speed will slow down every time a zombie is created. How is a zombie created you may ask? Simple, if you purposely (or accidentally) destroy a building that houses any amount of people, those people will walk out to the street and just stand there, looking for a new place to live. But, since you most likely have an outside connection (*I even tried without an outside connection, still broken) those "available" homes will be taken by new people, and thus a zombie is created as "Moving in" or "Idle", if you destroyed a commercial zone, you create "Shopping" zombies. These citizens will stay in your city and slowly eat your processing power until your game speed of 3 is 10 minutes for an in game day to pass. Unsustainable, and game breaking (only the first of many game breaking issues with this game).
Sometimes the weather works, and other times it does not and just "glitches" to the next day when it is sunny again.
The AI doesn't respect lanes (no surprise that the AI still does not work when it comes to traffic), as they will turn in no turn lanes and do six to twelve point U-Turns wherever they can, multiple times. This is more common if you add or remove a road *anywhere* in your city, and it also happens when you add a sidewalk or crosswalk. This common task causes the AI to "re-think" and recalculate it's route, which causes them all to "shift" their routes.
No individual lane control which means the dedicated turn lanes are determined by the angle of connecting the side roads, and a matter of one pixel will determine what the lanes do in response. Also, the traffic signals and signs are "node" specific, so there is no way to put a stop sign on just a sidestreet, etc., this was "fixed" in CS1 with mods.
Cargo train stations are broken, they will not deliver goods between cargo stations, cargo airports, or cargo ships, and goods that are created locally from industry go no where, and commercial starts importing everything individually anyway, causing your industry to basically do nothing but create pollution.
No weather related buildings (Heat, ice rink, sowplows, etc.), as they probably want money from a "Snowfall" like DLC from CS1
Combustion banned zones should have increase power consumption, and there are no charging stations for EVs, only gas stations for fuel, "Green Cities" DLC?
You can start a map importing power, but not water, so if you want to export water from the beginning tile you cannot (only for those that play with just 1 tile...)
No water removing services, so enjoy those floods when you make a mistake.
GAME BREAKING bug that I have no idea how it made it out of QA and passed Dev...zombie homeless just stand on the road taking up processing power, although some of them become homeless people that pay taxes and "work" but don't move into an available house or move out of your city (or actually "go" to work), and eventually become zombie robbers that kill your mentioned earlier. This breaks your game in 1 way or another, I still don't understand how it made it out of Dev and QA and was released in this state. It is incredible how little it seems CO/Paradox cares anymore...
No deathcare or childcare, probably want money from a "Sunset Harbor" like DLC from CS1
The aforementioned zombies still negatively contribute to the overall health of the city, also killing your city, and when they get sick or die, healthcare and deathcare cannot "pick" them up so you get stuck with symbols flashing on your screen on of sick and dead homeless.
There are no preschools (or daycare) as mentioned earlier.
No law school or dorms, probably want money from a "Campus Life" like DLC from CS1.
More people "stuck" in building then "eligible" to be there, zombies live in schools and other buildings so even if a certain amount of people are eligible to go to school, they can't because every school is completely filled, until you have a map that is just elementary schools.
Educated sims still become Robbers at an incredible rate, and soon you will have a city of Well-Educated Homeless Robbers who are Happy and Wealthy. Good luck getting rid of them, no amount of taxes or lack of city services will deter them.
Well, the police are currently broken as they cannot "arrest" homeless robbers, and since there is no way to control patrolling or set up stationary "standing" locations for police vehicles, 3 police cars will drive around chasing 1000 criminals in a town of 500 people, causing the crime to kill the city. At least my police helicopter flies 10 feet south above my river on it's routine patrol, just to turn around and land. Also fun to watch my 3 police cars drive into a crime scene, look at the robber (or group of robbers as the AI just stand there) and then drive away without making an arrest.
A waste of money being "on" all the time as they don't help with traffic accidents or house-calls for EMS, or hospital, etc. Can just turn it on when a disaster strikes or a fire starts, but other than that it is super expensive to do very little.
No "Parklife" benefits, i.e parks built on sidewalks, etc. Also, no amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, etc. because, of course, they probably want money from a "Parklife" like DLC from CS1.
No "professional" sports stadiums (which I believe was actually free from "Sports Venue" DLC)
Trees are easier to plant, but can no longer "clean" polluted ground, and do very little, if anything, in stopping noise pollution.
When an area floods, there is no way to remove the water without destroying buildings and using landscaping tools to "push" the water back. Cars will just drive through it, zoneable buildings will "build" underwater staying in a permanent destroyed state, and other buildings will just stop working unless you notice the water surrounding it.
Only tornadoes and forest fires (every 10 minutes or so, without fail), and no disaster routes or control of the shelters that are available, probably because they want money from a "Natural Disasters" like DLC from CS1.
No real district control, as there are laughable amount of polices (that do very little, imo).
No historical buildings (no way to "save" a building model you like to preserve it)
No hotels/motel/gas station manual control, even though it is purposely built into the Economy 2.0, again things that were basic in the "After-Dark" (Leisure and Tourist spec, etc.), "Hotels & Retreats" and "Green Cities" DLCs.
No "industry zones" which means no control of what "companies" move in, even though this is a big deal in Economy 2.0. No way in vanilla to even see company info.
No standalone warehouses or industry/company specific warehouse control to pick from, again because "Industries" DLC made this available in CS1, another paid DLC.
Zoning "too much" will create broken empty buildings, common in industry creating "warehouse" UI models, but no company will ever move in, or houses that remain empty even though homeless people are looking to move into a house (or college kids moving out of their parent's house live in a park or become a zombie instead of moving into one of these buildings), or you will get 5 of the same company in a row (or 5 gas stations, albeit different companies) in a row, or very close to each other.