Cyber Hook Review (sywy)
before you ask yes i have beaten all the levels but no i have not got 3 stars on all of them
i will say i really enjoyed the game and it was a good few hours, the level design was amazing the game play was fun and the graphics look beautiful
overall the game is fun and definitely a good time to get it when i write this as it is on sale, there is also a demo if your really on the fence (even if its only like £1.50 or so for both the game and DLC (just to touch on the DLC quickly, it was a fun DLC level wise but the boss at the end was not my forte (extra note on the boss, first and last phase was actually kinda fun IMO but the second phase was really annoying with it having like 4-5 stages with yes checkpoints but still was really draining (p.s this could also just be skill issue however so take my word with a grain of salt)))