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cover-Dead by Daylight

Saturday, April 9, 2022 2:45:34 AM

Dead by Daylight Review (gimji)

After putting 3500 hrs into this account and 500 on a different account. I can positively say I would not recommend this game. After six years you would think they would fix some of the same issues from 2016. I will list some of my main issues down below. I am a content creator so that's why I have so many hours of the game. Dead by Daylight is not a good game and I would say not good for your health as well. There are only three reasons why you keep playing DbD. Hoping you go big on it, playing with friends which is fine or there's nothing else like DbD because all 4v1 have failed. Most of you guys have to understand there are a lot of new ones coming out this year like EvilDead, VHS, and Leatherface who all seem to be a better choice, and who knows what else is out there hiding. I feel BHVR has left a nasty taste in their fanbase and some are just blinded by a Stockholm Syndrome that seems impossible to do on a video game but BHVR has done it by giving cheap bloodpoint codes and really bad events with terrible free skins with twitch prime. My list below and why the game is bad.
- Why is this game locked on 60fps? Why? because the game was built on a spaghetti coding and they cant fix it. You have to go the files and do it yourself but even that. The game still runs like poop.
- Battle pass and events, While I was ok at a point with it but now it's just mostly reskins and the rift is so pointless and dumb. Do you remember how many AFK pig games you had? I came back after 5months of not playing and that's all I got. They don't know how to balance rift at all. I remember a time where events were cool like the Scorching Summer but no, we get pointless things
- Bandaid fixes - BHVR over the years just made perks or a bloodlust type of thing to fix issues, other than fixing it they just put out a perk to bandaid it and now the game is really bad with how many perks.
- The GRIND IS TOO LONG! as someone who has over 4k hours, and countless BP events, you would think I would be close to being done with things. Nope, BHVR wants you to suffer and make the grind longer so you play more. Smart tactic but a crappy way to treat your fans and not to mention there's no search bar to find certain perks and no mute bloodweb. It's a simple small request but it would take them 6 months to add it just like anything they do.
- Hackers & Bots, I understand its hard to fix this type of issue but not telling your fanbase because your afraid on giving the hackers a edge is the dumbest thing ever. Wheres the transparency? Its because they dont want people to leave the game the numbers are dropping on steam like crazy. Do you remember when hackers were able to get in the contet creators lobby and write hateful stuff? OH YEAH IT TOOK THEM 5 years to add a profanity filter. Like wth.
- No Streamer/Privacy Mode, the one they have in game is a joke, doesn't hide names in lobby or after the game. its pure laziness if you ask me, no delay button so stream sniper cant get into a game.
- Every patch something breaks, I get it. its hard but dang it ima say it. BHVR are kings at breaking every patch than any other devs out there.

- Long que times are the future, right now the game is at a point where if you're not playing killer you are sitting in a long que time, good luck trying to find games late at night with friends. Just shows that the killer side is just not fun and overwhelming. Could you just imagine if the game didnt have crossplay? Ughh

and you thought I was going to talk bad about MMR? Honestly, I don't care for it, because either way the game is unbalanced so MMR didn't do much other than proving that BHVR doesn't know how to balance a game at a high level, I mean have you seen their dev team play the game?

Lastly, I hope a BHVR dev sees this. I loved your game. I believed in you guys, I was there at Pax East 2016 when you only had 10 people in line. You know it and I know. The only way to fix DbD is to start fresh because your coding is dog crap. Keep making your chapters to survive your game for another month or two but the time will come when more people will see the lies and greed you hold in front of you.