Devil May Cry 4 Review (EileenThaCrow)
I don't think any other action game will ever top the precise & impacting feel of DMC4. There will be ones with more depth, more polish, more accessible gameplay, better story (DMC5 already did a lot of those things) but I don't think i will ever find a pure 3rd person action game like this where it feels SO good just to kill sh*t.... every time it's such a satisfying cathartic experience regardless of skill level or investment. just the mere act of mashing the attack button and seeing the results in DMC4 is a one of a kind must have experience if u are a fan of this genre. They put so much efforts into making each enemy feel unique, look unique, respond & sound unique when u combo them or they combo-ing u and i think the creativity shown is right there with the best games in the genre even surpassing it a lot of times. For better or for worse DMC4 tried a lot of new things and luckily i think for the most part it was for the better, it was only held back by it's ambition and lack of development time 😠I genuinely love this games' story so much despite all it's flaws and cut content