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cover-Doom Eternal

Friday, May 20, 2022 7:37:01 AM

Doom Eternal Review (niaiserie)

DOOM Eternal has great gameplay, even if it does feel a little more arcade-like than DOOM (2016). It was a little off-putting at first, maybe because I was expecting more of the same DOOM experience, but I got used to it pretty quickly. The gameplay is pretty crazy and fast-paced, so if you are looking to chill and destroy the demons of hell in gory, glorious fashion, I'd have to recommend easy mode, at least at first. DOOM Eternal is an adrenaline-pumping slaughterfest, so buckle up. I died a lot charging in like Duke Nukem and expecting my rocket launcher to do the job by itself. This game makes me feel like I need to be using all my guns, all their functionalities, and all my abilities, all at the same time, in order to dominate. It's a fun game to master.
This game has pretty insane lore, which players could easily miss if the action is their focus. Even if DOOM Eternal's ending, and what the writers chose to do with the last DLC, is polarizing, the story overall is crazy, over-the-top stuff, and I like that. I was expecting pretty barebones or 80's action/horror movie-tier lore, so I was very happily surprised.
This is one of the best games I've ever seen in terms of optimization. It looks great at max settings and I get a constant max framerate (RTX 3080, AMD Ryzen 3600). I wish more game developers cared as much about optimization as this, because it really matters for a fast-paced action game like DOOM Eternal.
If you're on the fence, wait for a sale, it's old enough now that I'm guessing sales are not infrequent.
I have not played anything that made me feel more like an absolute badass than DOOM.