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cover-Dust & Neon

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 3:26:32 AM

Dust & Neon Review (Crembarry)

I bought this game on sale for $8, and after 100%'ing it I can say it was a pretty worth while purchase. I can see why people wouldn't recommend it if they bought it for the original $30 it released at, but I think its a nice little game for around $10.
The game starts off pretty strong, giving me vibes very similar to Synthetik - running around blasting robots while dodging bullets and having to manually reload your weapons all in the name of humanity. The very unique reloading mechanic and animations is what caught my eye and is probably my favorite aspect of the game. I enjoyed having to manually load my weapons mid fight, and pick between fully reloading but risk being shot or partial loading and get that last bullet in. Playing this game fast paced and hyper-aggressive was really fun and very rewarding. The first 3 bosses weren't that difficult, but were pretty fun, introducing you to certain mechanics (explosive shots, shield orbs, explosive barrels, shield walls, etc). The last 3 bosses however....
W. Elder's fight is straight up not fun. The game up until this point can be as fast or slow as you want, and as someone that played it hyper aggressive; this fight sucked. Dodging traps in of it self was janky - I would over shoot my dodge most of the time and hit another laser, forcing me to have to diagonal dodge. On top of that, my character sometimes crouched under the lasers (which made the fight bearable) but other times he wouldn't, making me wonder if it was a bug or not. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if the boss teleported around more often, but he seemed to only teleport after taking a certain amount of damage, leading to situations where he would move to the opposite side of the area and force you to take a solid minute or two to reach him, only to for him to repeat the process. This was the first boss I died to, and actually died so many times it was the one and only time I reset my skill points to make a new build. Its a difficult fight, but I feel like its difficult for the wrong reasons. You spend half the fight not even shooting anything or getting shot at because he doesn't fire at you, and only sends 2 waves of Adds. I feel the the fight would be better if he teleported more, or switched periodically between traps phase and Add phase (or another phase entirely).
Sharpshot was actually my favorite fight. My only complaint with him is that you get almost 0 indication on what you need to do to damage him. The game doesn't feature barrels triggering anything up until this point in the game (as far as I remember) so I just ended up shooting the barrels and happened to see it trigger one of the green buttons.
The final boss was actually pretty underwhelming, it was fun and almost reminded me of a Souls-like boss were he actually switched between phases mid fight, and did different things at lower health. Even though it's cliche and every game seems to have it nowadays, I was a little disappointed there wasn't a phase 2.
The gun brands don't have enough to distinguish them between each other. Some guns had more "critical" than others, but I didn't know if this meant crit chance or damage, or both. Without more information on each weapon, I just ended up not taking pistols with less than 6 bullets, or shotguns that had lower damage even if the other stats were higher. Infact, I saw almost no reason to take any pistol other than the one with the "magazine" and 100 crit once I unlocked it. Which leads me to my next topic: the buy back feature is a neat idea, but just made me end up not using 90% of the weapons I came across. I just got dropped god-tier weapons and used them until I got one with marginally better stats, and bought them back when I died. I think it would be better to have a storage, and allow you to store up to, lets say 6 guns, so that you could store them for harder missions, and have a reason to use weaker weapons.
Couple more things I felt worth mentioning: the keycards, insta-kill beams, and perk points.
I felt like the keycards were severely underused, and just felt like a reason to extend the mission length. I think it would've been neat to have a special mission type where you needed to find all the keycards to get to the end, maybe make it an infiltrate/semi-stealth mission. You could even have the keycards be used in W. Elders fight as a way to disable his traps or something. They just felt like nothing, especially since I didn't even see every card color while playing.
Mini-gun and W. Elder for some reason feature insta kill beams in their boss lair, despite not being shown anywhere else in the game (as far as I remember). This is extremely minor since after I ran into them for the first time I just learned to avoid them, but I felt that they could've been replaced with something else that didn't 1 shot you.
I was looking forward to maxing out all the perks and becoming all powerful, but since you only get 1 point instead of 2 past level 30, I deemed it too grindy and didn't bother. Would've been nice, but not a necessity.
I hope my criticism didn't come off too harsh, since at the end of the day I thought this game was very fun and charming for $8 and would actually come back to it if it got any major updates/content.