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cover-Fairy Tail 2

Saturday, December 21, 2024 2:53:12 AM

Fairy Tail 2 Review (Uziwurm)

Small Edit right here just to say that im a massive Fairy tail fan as im currently buying all dvd/manga/manga massive and as you can see both games with the first one beeing way better while this one is a huge dissapointment.

Not worth the full price. Dont by it unless its on discount just like the first game even 20€ is still the max you should pay for a game like this. I cant believe that it took 4 years to put out a game that has worse graphics than games from 2016 hell it even looks worse then the previous games graphics. First game i played 4 times as longer than this as it had way more with guild upgrades and the grind to become NR.1 Guild again as well as a lot of side quests and side grind to do the s class trial for every character and respawning bosses since they where tided to the repeating S-Class side quests on the quest board.

-Little to no enemy diversity or npc diversity. Realy hope they bring back the quest board with a free dlc or update.
-Npc modles look as bad and repetetive as the previous game.
-Difficulty is way to weirdly balanced as i played on normal and still got one shot by way to many enemys (ai doesnt block, heal or swap to a character that has an elemental or "weapon/attack typ" advantage)
-Cant get max Fairy Gauge or what ever its called since everything dies before i get to the third bar even with the 60% boosters that ONLY last for 30 seconds meaning i cant get the achivement as well as the "use all extrem Skill" Achivements (Even at ragnarok difficulty everything dies to fast and im not even max level yet)
-Story just gets skiped at some points. For example we start right at the alvarez arc instead of tartaros where we left off in the previous game, even the fight of mirajane vs the two swords that got turned into humans was not playable.
-Even less playable characters then in the first game.
-No Quests we can repeat that have bosses at the end. Also NO BOSS RESPAWNS meaning you cant even try to farm the max fairy gauge achivement with them
-Cant lvl down characters to make the game harder
-It was just boring to just do "go to one point fight some enemys there, teleport to the other point fight one mob for 20 seconds then go back to where you came form, now repeat that for three more times.
-The Achnologia boss at the very end is a two easy phase boss with a third phase that just randomly charges a one hit team kill that i personally wasnt able to stop since you need to attack with a speciffic "weapon/attack type" to break because of what i previously stated about the ai just spamming the first equiped skill from what i noticed nad because im bad at the combat and i like the old one more as you controled all five party members instead of just one of three active members that can constantly be switched out mid battle.
-exploration is useless since there are alot of thing that are blocked of with "barricades and slightly higher jump" that you need to do story for to be able to get past, not to mention in the first two chapters i think plue "clones" and even later some notes will be introduced that are scatered around the map and you have to find them as they are hidden away. The searching isnt the bad part its the fact that every area has a few area bosses and once you kill one IT SHOWS EVERY PLUE/NOTE/CHEST THAT YOU CAN FIND IN A SERTAIN ARE OF THE MAP MEANING YOU DONT NEED TO EXPLORE BEFORE KILLING THEM. For what reason do they encourage exploring an "open world" with hidden items when people like me kill explore before getting to the next story point which made me over leveld and i killed the area bosses that i could reach so when i unlocked the plue clones i just had them all revealed on the map.
+The only possitive thing i see is the nice artworks we get sometimes in the story and character storys