Fallout 3 Review (Chris Muerto)
First and last Bethesda style game I play. An RPG for people who never played another RPG before.
Difficulty is a joke. Too hard in the beggining and trivial by level 20.
Utterly unfinished game, but they had the nerve to make 5 expansions for it! Finish the main game first, you bums!
At the beggining of the game you are sent by a character to contact their family. You find out a lot about them and even rescue a relative from vampires, and the character who sent you never asks or even comments about it again. Doesn't care. No reaction.
In another part you find a family of cannibals, you kill the parents and rescue their kids. The granpa promises to lie to the children about their parents deaths, but the kids are playing outside over their parents corpses!
You get hunted by criminals sent by some boss, you find the boss living in his own building, murder all of his men, try to talk to him to find out why is he trying to kill you. No reaction, no recognition, nothing. You kill him and that's it. Who was that? Was there a story behind all of what happened? Who knows.
Your first and really only mission after beggining the game is NOT TO FOLLOW a specific person. Since every mission gives enough XP to level up twice or more, you'll be in level 20 wondering how to keep trying not to follow that person even when the game contradicts itself and keeps mentioning even on the radio you're looking for that person. You surrender and go looking for the person you are not supposed to be looking for, you find the person who immediately asks you to follow them! You follow them from one extreme of the map to the other and it becomes ridiculous. A friend told me you're not supposed to follow them then like you are asked to! You are supposed to do the opposite you are asked to do once again and just fast travel to where the person is headed. That's when I stopped playing. This is like an anti-player game. The game follows some kind of agenda and doesn't care about any decisions the player make.
This is crappy RPG design at its most infurating.