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cover-Fallout 4

Thursday, December 8, 2022 7:30:16 PM

Fallout 4 Review (drai)

To start, it's a good game with a shit ton of flaws and some game/questline breaking bugs. Yes, It is not New Vegas and isn't comparable on the same scale of it as they are two different games - However, it does have a decent 'fallout game' feel to it imo. After owning the game for a few years and letting it collect dust I finally got around to playing it and I enjoyed it as a whole, the DLC is very nice (Far Harbour, Nuka-World) and adds a decent amount of quests and areas to explore. You will definitely want them as the main storyline is fairly short in my opinion. As per the usual FO games, you get quite the amount of choice with how you want to play, what factions to side with, dialogue options and more, however I feel the S.P.E.C.I.A.L's don't affect much when it comes to alternate dialogue options compared to some other FO games (maybe just for my playthrough) etc. The weapon modding system is pretty cool, there is no weapon durability so you are free to use the same weapon as much as you like, there is a ton of different variants of weapons, armours and power armour. Visually the game looks good and can be further improved on assuming your FPS doesn't get absolutely tanked, there are mods to clean up clutter and unused items/models as well to help with maintaining FPS. The radio stations, music and audio are good. Overall, the gameplay is enjoyable at most times :]
You can easily get 100+ hours out of the vanilla base game. Extra if you try to complete all the side quests, faction quests, explore everything, built up settlements OR go for 100% achievements. My plan is to return to FO4 at a later time and heavily mod it and create a new playthrough or continue my current save, there is a metric ton of mods on Nexus as well as the built in manager/creation club. (I highly recommend to use nexus though, no need for paid mods). I highly recommend uncapping your FPS and installing the HighFPSPhysics fix mod, especially if you have a higher refresh rate panel.
(Tutorials on YT + Steam guides to show how to do so, similar to FPS fix on 76)
I would recommend buying the GOTY edition and not buying DLC individually, if you happen to, get Far Harbour and maybe Nuka-World. The rest are terrible/things that should be in the base game but are locked behind a small paywall. This game goes on sale almost every seasonal sale on Steam. I'd say it's even worth your money off sale.
Also, I played FO76 for both the singleplayer and multiplayer aspect before a playthrough of this and realised 76 is just a 'scuffed but ok' clone of FO4 with the quake multiplayer engine. It made me greatly appreciate this game more lol.
"There's another settlement that needs our help, I've marked the location on your map" a wise man once said.
>regardless of MY opinion, give it a try if you feel like you'd enjoy it, chances are you will for the most part<
7/10 Overall
Thank you for taking the time to read my review, have a great day, check out my DLC reviews if you are curious about them :]