FIFA 22 Review (Aerilon)
After playing over 2,000 hours of this game, split between me and my girlfriend this game feels like a big downgrade from all previous FIFA with many problems I can list. The player switching into the wrong player, clearly when I don't want to switch to that player to the passing detection in this game. In previous FIFAs I've never had an issue with the passing, but in this one my players was making much more passing mistakes than normal. The passing detection shows me that I'm passing to the player that I want but suddenly it switches and passes to a completely different player.
The game feels too scripty when facing against AI, especially squad battles in FUT. Somehow playing legendary difficulty against bronze team with my full team of special cards and their bronze players can easily keep up with mine. Difficulty shouldn't secretly boost their stats (especially when its on ultimate boosting it to 99), but rather boost the AI intelligence. I've seen some "scripty" moments like when my player is clearly beating the AI when chasing the ball but suddenly my player massively reduce his speed for the AI to get the ball before me. Why does the AI deserve the ball more than me? It should be equally based. The AI can be very sticky with the ball too, like the ball is magnetic to their feet even after clearly tackling them and winning the ball. You can clearly see moments when AI just has to score and you can't do anything about it. I also think the difficulty jump between world class to legendary to ultimate is too big of a gap... there really should be an inbetween difficulty between them. There's moments where I can beat AI on world class like 12-0 then legendary/ultimate I'll be losing 4-0 sometimes.
Another issue I have is the friendlies in FUT. I'm surprised that there isn't skill-based matchmaking. Sometimes they pair you against someone that is just on another level to you giving you no chance to win. I really think there should be a skill-based matchmaking in this game.
Career mode can be really buggy, especially showing wrong texts etc.
There's a lot to fix in this game, and hopefully EA can actually be bothered fixing it in the future.
Hoping FIFA23 will be a better