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cover-Football Manager Touch 2018

Monday, November 6, 2017 9:27:34 PM

Football Manager Touch 2018 Review (The Free Man)

I always buy FM touch as it is pritty much what FM or CM was when is was in its prime. Not too complex but complex enough. I find the full game to have too much micro management and to be frustrating.
My biggest complaint is where has text commentary gone? The text commentary with the flashing GOAL! indicator has been part of CM and FM since day one and after nearly 30 years they take it out of the game without any explanation. Not only that it's been replaced with nothing that tells you whats going on in the moment. So bascally you are forced to play 2D or 3D and if you don't want to watch the entire game in either of these modes and want highlgihts then instead of text commentary you are given a stats screen.
S.I want you to use their crappy 3D engine and watch each game from start to finish and if you don't like it though!
I always play in 2D classic with highlights and text commentary, this way a season doesn't take a year to complete. You cant do this anymore. Gone.....
I don't like the overhauled scouting system, seems inferior to last years which didn't need changing in all honesty and the match day scream has been messed up all together.
All in all the U.I is very badly designed, nothing flows or seems to be implemented with any logical thinking.
Also where did the crappy theme tune come from? FM and gay bar music don't mix.
Like alot of game franchsies today the developer seems to love changing things that didn't need fixing.
FM was perfect ten years ago, why it had to be messed around with is beyond me. This is coming from someone who has played every CM and FM since 97/98.
Very disappointed with the changes and have requested a refund.
Yet another classic game messed up when it was fine to start with.
If only I could play FM 2005-08 with a up to date data base.