Forgive Me Father 2 Review (Phranc)
Forgive Me Father, For I Will Sin
Forgive Me Father 2 is a stark contrast to the first game. The sequel improves upon the art style and offers a much different tone story-wise, but the core arena-shooter remains strong. Think of this game as the likes of DOOM and Quake with an eldritch flavor. While it is easy to pick up this modern boomer shooter and start blasting, the level design seems to stay too faithful to the old-school style.
Things I Like About Forgive Me Father 2:
1. Gunplay
The bread and butter of all old school boomer shooters.
Shooting, running, and picking up ammo on the go are the nature of boomer shooter. Easy to pick up, fun to blast off.
The feedback of blasting an eldritch horror is satisfying. The sound effects, the visual, even the recoil of the gun feel finely tuned.
Weapons are definitely the highlight of the game. Each unlockable function as a side-grade instead of a direct upgrade.
You can use a revolver for consistency, or you can turn the same revolver into a demon fish which spits a ton of needles in a cone shape.
The gun animation is nothing short of amazement, especially the more otherworldly one. Seeing them reload is without a doubt one of highlights of this game.
Dark Tome offers a variety of passive and active ability pages. You can fit three pages at a time.
Finding the right combination for your play style is essential. My favorite combo is the damaging gaze and life-stealing. Whenever I am in a pinch, I can just open the dark tome and heals by dealing damage to the enemies.
2. Other Compliments
Boss fights are definitely better than the ones in the first game.
Soundtracks are a mix of metal and a haunting melody.
Main menu changes as you progress is a nice touch.
Things I Like And Dislike About Forgive Me Father 2:
1. Visuals
Great art style with some hiccups.
The dark comic art style is more detailed. Levels are aesthetically refined instead of the bare-bone structures of the first game.
The atmosphere also receives some improvements, mainly the subtle lighting and the suspending sound effects.
Some level really goes too far in terms of color, to the point that it is hard to navigate.
The most notorious example is the mushroom forest level. Even though the whole level comprises individual fungal islands, the multiple bold colors work against visual clarity. It is hard to tell where to go during playthrough.
Pickups need some slight change as well. The icon is way too small to tell which type of ammo it is.
2. Level Design
I get the tradition, but I want more than that.
To give the game credit, it tries to shake up the old and simple formula by adding some interesting segments. And I appreciate that.
Some levels play the trick of light, some require you to perform light platforming.
One particular segment stands out the most. It is a dark corridor full of explosive barrels. One shot is all it takes to blow you into smithereens. This part plays out vastly different from the rest of the level. It's a nice change of pace.
However, the overall level design is still the same old finding keys and pulling x amount of levers.
To be fair, I know boomer shooter is all about shooting and killing things, less about walking through levels.
Yet, I still wish the mechanics could evolve beyond finding keys and levers, something like killing things in a specific manner or simple physics puzzles.
Things I Dislike About Forgive Me Father 2:
Other Complaints
A shooting range in the asylum would be lovely, so players can immediately test out the gun they just purchased(What a horrible sentence if it were out of context).
I wish secrets could be more secret-like, not just another supplies in a really secluded area of the level.