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cover-Green Hell

Sunday, January 26, 2025 8:57:35 PM

Green Hell Review (befana666)

For people who dont want to read all of the following text : No i dont recommend buying the game in the state it is in. A core mechanic is bugged and the bug is very commen and not fixable with out restarting the entire save (not guareented)

So for everyone else a longer explanation:
Let's start with the good things first. Green Hell is an amazing game balancing frustration and rewarding in an open world surival game which i haven't seen before nor ever again. It is very grinding at times but it feels really rewarding seeing your own little safe heaven grow in that green hell. the Story is captivating, gives you enough time to theorise about it yet explains it in the end. Which i personally love. The learning curve is brutal af be prepared to die constantly the first couple of hours but every time you learn a bit more to stay alive longer how to take care of your characters basic needs.
Now the bad part. A big part of the game are the native innhabitants of the rain forest which should track you down based on how much "noise" you make on top of some campsites which spawn with them. The problem is there is a very common bug that disables them spawning in or despawning them all and stoping them from respawning when you die.
I spent 10 hours creating new save files, installing and reinstalling the game and letting steams repair function run over it. I only got natives in half of the saves. But as soon as I died (which was seconds after reaching the area because i runned to the camp ik) the natives despawned and didnt come back. I sent the save files to the devs and descriped the diffrent environments i tried it out on. Thats just to show what i personally did.
But overall this bug is over a year old and there are still new reports comming in of save files without natives. And no updates mentiones even them trying to fix it. Ik gamedevelopment is not easy as someone who programms for a living and wishes to become a game dev i really do understand BUT the part that natives spawn and attack you if you let a fire burn in the night or build big structures. Them defending important blueprints etc. is a core mechanic of the game and calling it finished while such a core aspect is bugged seems a bit misleading in my opinion.
I personally are especially upset about it because i at first played it via family share but decided to buy it too to support the devs continueing the good work and hopefully the future of similar games. Only to realize hours later that nope im not just careful/lucky af (was constantly moving no base bigger than a drying rack bed and small fire), its just that no natives exist in the game at all. Not the randomly spawning once nore the once that spawn in camps.
The meanest thing is that you can have hours of fun playing the game before noticing especially if you dont know where they are supposed to spawn. Just to realize after 20+h in one save file. That its bugged af and you have to delete the savefile.
To summarize the community does what it can to provide information towards the devs to fix that bug. But sadly there are no information out there that they work on the bug. with the last update being called the final update im doubtful if they will end up fixing the bugged core mechanic.